JET - Timeline 1919-1939

  • Period: to


    The leader of communist Russia/Soviet Unione for years. Introduced the NEP. Political
  • Weimar Republic

    German democratic state that was made to replace Imperial Germany. Political
  • Paris Peace Conference

    Germany was declared responsible for the war and had to pay reparations to cover the cost of the war for other countries. Political, social, economic, military
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    Benito Mussolini

    Benito Mussolini made Italy a fascist state. Political
  • WWI Ends

    Military, Political
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    Desire for security led the French government to demand strict enforcement of the Treaty of Versailles

    Political and Military
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    Time between the wars

  • Hitler

    Hitler gained power steadtily, was the leader of the German Nazi party. Political
  • Nazi Party

    The Nazi party was an extreme nationalist group, with its roots based in expansion and anti-semitism. Political
  • New Economic Policy

    Lenin made a modified version of the old capitalist system, changing the Russian communist government. Economic, Political
  • Ruhr Valley

    France sent troops to Ruhr Valley becauee Germany could not pay reparations - economical, military
  • Inflation

    Germans went on strike, Germans started printing more paper money. German money became worthless. Economic
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    Soviet Union

    In1922, Lenin created the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, or the U.S.S.R. This was a new communist government that ruled Russia for a long time. Social, Political, Economic
  • Fascism

    A political philosophy, fascism glorifies the state above the individual by emphasizing the need for a strong central government led by a dictatorial ruler. In a fascist state, the governemnt controls the people and stifles any rebellion. Political
  • Reparations

    Germany's reparations caused inflation, unemployment, and debt resulted in them to not being able to pay Economic
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    Joseph Stalin

    Joseph Stalin led Russia to economic and political prosperity. Economic, political
  • Dawes Plan

    An American banker got a group of people together and loaned Germany money so they could pay reparations. Economic
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    European prosperity

    European economies flourished during this time. Economic and Social
  • Treaty of Locarno

    Germany had new borders with France and Belguim. Political and Social
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    A system in which private farms were eliminated by Stalin's control. The government owned all the land, and the peasants worked it. Social, economic
  • Five-year plans

    Stalin created Five-year plans or economic goals for Russia over a period of five years. Economic
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    Heinrich Himmler

    He was the Reichsfuhrer of the Schutzstaffeln, or SS, the secret police for the Nazis. Military
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    Schutzstaffeln (SS)

    The Germany force for maintaining "order." It was originally created as Hitler's personal bodyguard, but became a secret police that specialized in terror and and ideology. Military
  • Stock Market Crash

    U.S. stocks crashed. Economic
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    The Geat Depression

    High uemployment rate, deflation
  • New Deal

    Governmental economic intervention, created Social Security, and gave jobs to people. Economic
  • Enabling Act

    Parliament passed a law that Hitler could ignore the consitution, giving him total control. Political
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    Concentration Camps

    The Nazi Party set up concentration camps to imrpsion people who opposed them and those they didn't like. Social, Political
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Anti-semitism laws that prohibited Jews from natural rights. Social
  • Nuremberg Party Rallies

    These meeting were used as a way to control the people and manipulate them into Hitler's theology. Social, political
  • Kristallnacht

    Nazis burned Jewish synagogues and burned around 7,000 Jewish businesses. At least 100 Jews were killed. 30,000 Jews were sent to concentration camps. Social
  • Francisco Franco

    A Spanish general that rose against the Spanish democracy and started his own dictatorship. Political
  • WWII Starts