The west

World War II Timeline

  • Period: to

    Transforming the West

    To settle/populate the "wild west" with that idea in mind the government put in the homestead act it worked a little bit meaning that the land in the west was bad for farming. The Transcontinental Railroad was being made with two different corporations where they would meet in the middle. with the railroad being a huge money maker people wanted to have the whole railroad industry and to stop this the interstate commerce act was passed to stop the monopolization of the railroad
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    the government tried the make the west a better place so they put the homestead act which gave an applicant ownership of land, at no cost.they needed to improve land but only wored for 5 years so it didnt work for very long. the homestead applied to landless farmers, former slaves, and single women. the federal government granted 1.6 million in homesteads and gave over 270,000,000 acres.
  • Transcontinental Rail Road

    Transcontinental Rail Road
    the Transcontinental Railroad way made between 2 Companies named the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific where they would statr from each side of the continent and meet "in the middle" the Union Pacific built west and the Central Pacific built east. they met at Promontory Point, Utah in May. It was 1,776 miles long and it was the first time the Atlantic and the Pacific were connected. they only had 5 years to build it construction starting in 1863 and ended in 1869
  • Business

    Ever Since the civil war was ended business was big lots of money were made with the new industry but still behind when compared to the world, places like Europe that we were behind but for Americans lots of raw goods were sold and for business could hire people for cheap. To" help" with this growth the idea of Laissez Faire came from France it means that the government should not intervene in the private market it means that the market should take care of its self with no rules or regulations
  • Period: to

    Becoming an Industrial Power

    After the civil war america's big corporations bloom with goods materials and money value in the 1860's america is well behind Europe in the sense of industrialization. but by the 1900's we become the world leader in the industrial market with lots of raw goods and cheap labor. with big inventions like the Camera by Kodak the Telephone by Alexander Grand Bell The Light Bulb, Motion Picture Camera, Phonograph invented by Thomas Edison the idea of Laissez Faire also came.Also Dangerous Monopolies
  • Oil

    The Oil business was the same as steel but with a different man named John Rockefeller.He was the Carnegie of Oil went from vertical to horizontal integration and invented trust and holding companies.Trust was when different companies go into the control of a group of people called the board of trustees the.Holding companies replaced Trust after the ShermanTrustAct was brought in.Large companies bought out smaller companies through stock and took control of the company was protected from the STA
  • Great Uprising

    Great Uprising
    the great uprising started with early strikes with workers.Workers walked out of jobs with everyone else because they wanted better pay the became a common thing for police to break up and fairly easily break up when they arrested the strike leaders many judges ruled in favor of the company. The Great Uprising was a railroad strike spread from West Virginia Which made labor union organized which would make it harder for the police ti break up the strike the national guard was created for this
  • Development of Cities

    Development of Cities
    With the rising of cities people wanted better thing so they send into the city most came from rural farms and are immigrant from Latin america, Europe, the Caribbean, Asia. African American also went to cities trying to escape Jim Crow immigrants wanted to escape war, persecution and starvation. People also wanted better economic opportunities and life. These were times when places like little Italy and Chinatown came up these communities fought lots of discrimination
  • The Farmer's Alliance

    The Farmer's Alliance
    Originally from Texas The Farmer's Alliance took reins from the granger movement this alliance consisted of about five million members of only white people. The farmers were mad because they were overcharged to ship crops and had high interest loans, cooperatives united farmers to negotiate higher crop prices with better loan rates and insurance the will become political to battle monopolies won a big battle in 1890
  • Period: to

    The Gilded Age

    With the growing of cities the population rises But these cities are filled with immigrants of all places from Italy Russians Greeks Turkish Spanish Japanese Chinese and Latin American which causes another great migration. with all these immigrant ethic communities and neighborhoods. A lot of them become slums where crime is plentiful. Politics were controlled by Political machines where mobsters force people to vote for a certain rep. there was a hierarchy of Ward bosses Precinct capt.
  • Exodusters

    Exodusters were former slaves the migrated west to make it big but only some a actually successful but some also settle on bad farming land and other lacked money so those who couldn't make it on in the west went back to the south those who were brave will continue west. The migration was called the "Great Exodus". they moved west to have a new life and be treat fairly and respected. The Leader of this movement was called Benjamin Singleton nicked named Pap and Father of the Exodus
  • Knights of Labor

    Knights of Labor
    founded in 1880 working class people wanted to get rid of market competition for a cooperative one it is working to all workers. this was all in secret to avoid sabotage by the employer. now labor day is a national holiday. the Organization boycotted businesses which basically protested against the business changed the 12 hour work day to 8 and they supported equal pay for men and women so its safe to assume that women could join but not many women were in the work force.
  • "Booming" Cities

    "Booming" Cities
    There were lots of problems in the cities and due to immigration slums were created. the slums or ghetto a now used term is a tightly packed crowed place in an urban districts what used for living by poor people. These slums housing are called tenements which a very small space is used for multiple family members in the dozens. disease with widespread dew to the poor living conditions streets were littered in waste.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    Signed by President Chester A. Arthur as a Federal Law. This law Prohibited the immigration of Chinese Laborers.Those on the West Coast were especially prone to attribute declining wages and economic ills on the despised Chinese workers. Originally intended to last 10 years, ended up being extended indefinitely until being made permanent in 1902. The Chinese exclusion act was repealed in 1943 because it was a discriminatory exclusion laws against Chinese immigrants.
  • Immigrants

    Immigration towards america was huge so many people came from different areas especially from Europe. Swedish Norwegian German were normally in the northern areas some immigrants were wage workers and not treated equally especially the Irish and the Chinese they were just seen as workers no more no less the Chinese and the Irish had the most dangerous jobs They worked on the Transcontinental Railroad and were expected to handle Nitroglycerin a highly explosive agent
  • Social Gospel Movement

    Social Gospel Movement
    Beginning in England this movement advocated for the poor working class people but this made religious leaders upset because of the social Darwinism seem towards the poor. Social Darwinism meaning that the poor should live in the society and only the ones who thrive should live. This lead to the making of the YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) which had libraries, kitchens, exercising, and housing centers another place that came up was Salvation arm with had soup kitchens which have food
  • Patrons of Husbandry

    Patrons of Husbandry
    Founded in 1867 by Oliver H. Kelley the Patrons of Husbandry aka Grange was a group for farmers that could find a solution to the agricultural problems they had in the late 1800's they has lectures, newspapers, and experts in there group. There would be hundreds of thousands of members by the 1870's they were also politically powerful at that time as well. Mid-Western Legislatures regulated the railroads but by the 1900's they became less popular but are still around today although not as big.
  • Farmers

    Farmers had it rough in the 1880's struggling with little water aka a drought and insects invading there crops. Another problem was foreign goods made the prices fall for wheat because america was getting it from different places many farms foreclosed because they couldn't pay off there payments only large farms were really successful
  • Cattle Drives

    Cattle Drives
    The main thing about the cattle drives was the actual cattle which is called a longhorn its a breed in which there was a mixture with Spanish and English cows. these cows were very popular on in homes but the sales were different from north and south. They would cost 40 dollars a cow in the north and just 4 in the south. These drives took along time because there were no railroads that south in to Texas.The cowboys rose they were a mans man mostly Hispanic and black,only lasted 20 years
  • Environmental Damage

    Environmental Damage
    This was a bad time for the environment any forest were being cut down for the wood and open land. Factories also separated minerals which polluted the near by river and land with that the ecosystem was unbalanced farmers also contributed with the overgrazing of there cattle and livestock but many people were not aware of the damage they have caused in the surrounding area. this was all the cause of manifest destiny.
  • Inventions

    This time was it prime for inventions that changed the world. Inventions like the Kodak Camera made by George east men in 1888 which could capture an image. The telephone Made in 1876 by Alexander Grand Bell the telephone could let you communicate with someone from a long distance now almost everyone has a "phone" now. The light bulb made in 1879 by Thomas Edison which replaced Kerosene lamps and was cleaner and for efficient. the Phonograph also by Edison and made in 1877 was a record player.
  • Mass Market

    Mass Market
    With the economy growing companies hire psychologist to learn what people like. this was the first tie that big department stores hired famous people to promote the products they sold. Companies also made catch phrases and Jingles and sold brand exclusive items this rose the cost of advertising. with this department stores were big first opened in the 1840's were items were sorted and easy to find no bartering and money back guarantees with free delivery was big to the common man
  • Native American

    Native American
    Native Americans were a nuisance to the white man. There was a ovment called the Ghost Dance Movement where a shaman foresaw a great flood washing away the white man.
  • Political Machine

    Political Machine
    this was caused by the need for a new political structure in large cities. immigrants were forced to vote and if they voted they would receive a job. these political machines were controlled by a Ward boss which would control an entire section with a hierarchy consisting of Precinct Captains, Ward Captains, and District Captains who were closely tied to business
  • Women

    AKA "New Women" due to the changes of morality made by women these middle class women had more free time than they use to and also made for roles in society these women also attended college for more opportunities. Women Were the champion of temperance due to them being tired of being assaulted by their husbands this made them become suffragette due to them wanting them to get rid of alcohol. Women needed to get around which they used bikes to got to place this caused the Bicycle Craze.
  • "Booming" Cities

    "Booming" Cities
    With the cities being flooded with immigrants most were not fortunate economically and financially due to that they live in tightly packed bad areas where the families didn't make enough to live. Although the picture show is of a Favela tenements aren't any better littered with human and animal waste sanitation did not exist. These were poorly ventilated and poorly lit so it got hot really quickly and you could barely see and due to a overpopulation prices rose many were evicted.
  • Currency Reform

    Currency Reform
    Money was a big confusion with issues implementing a National Currency. republicans Favored the gold standard (republicans). the democrats were for the silver standard they favored paper money because the "hard money" couldn't support an expanding economy. Working class people wanted the silver standards which they hoped inflation alleviated debt problems . eventually went to the silver act as a compromise which causes prices to jump and silver prices to call causes the Great Depression
  • Political Machines

    Political Machines
    Due to there being a lack voters larger cities needed a new political structure. so immigrants were forced to take action quite literally with them being force to vote for powerful people each term as payment for voting they were given jobs. These Political Machines were controlled by Ward bosses with a hierarchy to help keep power which consisted of Precinct Captains,Ward Captains, and District Captains which had a close relationship with business that gave immigrant the jobs they were promised
  • Period: to

    The Galactic Empire(Imperial America)

    Que the Imperial March Soundtrack!!! This span is about how america took control of a lot of places elaborated on the specific events social Darwinism come back with problems between cuba and spain which we intervene and start a big commotion the birth of yellow journalism is also here which causes the tension between spain and US the war between spain and america is caused by a sunken dreadnought the USS Maine USS Texas is Better) we gain massive amounts of because of this war
  • People's Party

    People's Party
    This party was a 3rd party and consisted of Farmers, Workers, and Reformers. AKA the Populist party this parties goal was to fight corruption and greed within the government other goals were to get rid of monopolies change the coinage to silver more income tax and a storage surplus just in case something bad happens. The Democrats and Republicans both attack the Populist party with wasn't good because both the parties were national and the Populist were on a state and local level.
  • Steel

    Steel was big during this era but unfortunately Steel production was slow and expensive with only 13,000 tons in the 1860's can would not be mass produced in the early 19th century.But a man named Andrew Carnegie had a plan a Irish immigrant was about to make it big through had work and lots of critical investing with that he pushed the production cost of steel to its lowest level through the Bessemer process which let the mass production of steel at low prices Carnegie Steel Co. founded in 1892
  • Depression Of 1892

    Depression Of 1892
    The Depression of 1893 was one of the worse in U.S. history so many things went bad like bands railroads and just business in general went under. With this the people questioned Laissez Faire which mean that the government wont intervene in the market, Private Spheres. Coxey's Army was man and marched on Washington Peacefully and protested capitalism and showed great amounts of patriotism. This amounts a conflict in the late 19th century with labor and business and Carnegie faced criticism
  • Mail Order Catalogs

    Mail Order Catalogs
    These were big when people were looking ti find something had a huge variety these were first used in 1845 which was Tiffany's Blue Book but Montgomery Ward made them popular then everyone were using catalogs to buy things.another Company named Sears was comingup which was founded in 1893.The way these mail catalogs worked were that consumers mail the company with what they wanted and also send in money which was very iffy the company would receive the payment then ship the product to the Perso
  • Pullmans Strike

    Pullmans Strike
    With the Depression of 1893 hurting the economy many companies could not pay their workers so many were laid off and many salaries were cut. A man Named George Pullman who built Luxury railroad cars for a living. Workers Strike trains containing Pullman cars which was so big that President Cleveland intervenes with that the strikers gain public support and increased attention.
  • Progressives

    With the end of the Gilded age people wanted a different approach a more philosophical approach although not a movement this transcended politics. with more attention to safety and health. women had a big role in this with them being the Champions of Temperance and most common Americans are middle class and have governmen protections. Businesses controlled most of the wealth this is called capitalism
  • Period: to

    The Progressive era

    the description is in the name progressive this was the time to keep moving forward with a new approach the era. New President Theodore Roosevelt was very popular among the american people which his character pleasing everyone. Trust that thrived in the economy were broken up finally there is action that's being taken. Good friend of Roosevelt William H Taft bets William Jennings Bryan. Between Roosevelt and taft ws bad blood.... unions were formed people got rich and innovations have been made
  • The Spanish American War

    The Spanish American War
    with the USS Maine's explosive demise the people demanded McKinley to declare war on spain because the man has been destroyed ( this BTW is the beginning of american imperialism) the war was very quick matter a fact i think that the problems after the war are a bigger situation then the actual war. the war lasts only 4 months which is very short for a war quick defeat. the us gains Hawaii the Philippines and Guam and of course Cuba these will all fall
  • Treaty of Paris 98

    Treaty of Paris 98
    A total of 385 dead form actual battle but 2000 are going to be dead because of diseases like Malaria typhoid and yellow fever.The treaty of Paris is made for spains surrender the treaty states that spain would give cuba to america. Cuba become a puppet state to the US though Cuba made concession so the US forces left we gained Puerto Rico Guam and the Philippines, with this the Platt amendment was created for Guantanamo Bay which means thy would need permission to enter international treaties
  • Up and coming Monopoly

    Up and coming Monopoly
    With Andrew Carnegie coming up in the steel industry he wanted to dominate the whole process and he will. it just takes alot of brains and money. he started with Vertical Integration, Carnegie allowed for his company to control all phases of production which he would buy ither companies that have the materials. they he went with horizontal integration, Carnegie bought out companies that competed with Carnegie Steel Co. also buys all supply sources which dwindled the longevity of companies.
  • City Reform

    City Reform
    These cities were in bad shape and people were eager for action so police forces were made and sanitation was a big thing in these cities cleaning up the slums of america making them slightly more livable. Education was big thing in this period passing laws that would make attending school mandatory for all kids until the age of 14. this was also a scheme to make immigrant children more "american" teachers would punish kids for speaking their native language.
  • Labor vs Industry

    Labor vs Industry
    The battle between labor and the industry was a complicated one. industrialist suppressed workers with private security which intimidated laborers had union options but were fired these employees were then put on what called a blacklist which was pretty not great to be on because these blacklist are sent to other companies and had a description of why you were fired or why you left and is very bad because you wouldn't find any job that wan to hire you
  • C,M,R

    Corporations- They were the biggest change in the economy owned through stocks with limited liability the Rail Roads and telegraph expanded the business through communications and the growth of goods.
    Monopolies- means when one or a group of people controls a section of the economy Rail Roads were some of the first monopolies controlling the fee to load goods onto the train Railroaders would bribe officals and Sharked the price which manipulated the stock market
    RailRoad- 200k miles by 1900
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt
    He was the Vice President to William McKinley but when he was assassinated in September of the same year. In short Teddy becomes president. people enjoyed teddies presents he was energetic and enthusiastic, lecturer and athlete and a very like able person he also saved a bear cub that's why teddy bear have their name today he took interest in what the public like he took this as a top priority he also battles trust
  • Imperialism

    A american empire has similarities a European model is a different way. we h=have empire financially because lots of our companies invested over seas and have millions of products. the technology he posses increases expansion and increases communication with this technology the news is spread very quickly and also this caused faster travel with steam power. a very big thing is that our navy upgrades their ships from putrid wood to steel we receive the name of the Great White Fleet
  • Cuba

    Cuba in this time currently is controlled by Spain and try to gain independence from Spain the Cubans tried a rebellion before back in the 1860's but it didn't really worked out. American had many interest in cuba already investing about 50 million dollars and the exports from Cuba goes to the US. the second rebellion was the the economic depression in the 1890's the rebels destroyed sugar plantations not american plantations because we support the rebellious cubans
  • Henry Ford

    Henry Ford
    Other than making some NICE cars Henry Ford also revolutionized the transportation industry in his time the greatly reduced the cars price by the assembly line process. although it did take him a few cars to get them low enough for the common man to buy. the car took the industry was the model t with new standardized parts imporved machinery to make the cars he could produce more cars for less money and he then passed the saving to consumers and passes benefits to his employees pay was very well
  • Fords 5 Dollar Rule

    Fords 5 Dollar Rule
    Henry Ford gave 5 dollar work days which was very good at the time of the 1900's and they also had 8 hour work dayz and these well paid workers bought ford products. his rules for these 5 dollar workdays were you would have to be a employee for this company before the deal came in. Men who worked here had to have live with their families must not gamble shouldn't drink excessively investigators checked on the workers on days off so see if they were following the rules.
  • Trusts

    JP Morgans company called the northern securities company was a trust which cornered the transportation market which isnt good they control transportation and teddy did not like this because it gave all the power to JP Morgan well a ghost from the past is used called the Sherman Anti-Trust act. The Supreme Court upholds and Northern Securities is broken up This also happened to Rockefeller's Standard Oil Trust where teddy also gains the nick name The Trust Buster
  • American Media

    American Media
    American Media was at its prime at the time with americans craving to know whats going on between cuba america and Spain. this gives birth to what is called yellow journalism which is basically american propaganda, it is described as dramatic, sensational and highly exaggerated. but of course this increased news paper sales. the yellow news was used against the Spanish and also said that Spanish solders raped and murdered in cuba and women abuse from the Spanish started with William R Hurst
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    with the Europeans trying to colonize the Latin Americas we had to do something with Latin america in debt. it is considered as a US lake Teddy brings back the Monroe Doctrine which declared Latin america off limits to the European powers with this the US become a sort of international police man/women this exempted Argentina Brazil and Chile because they were believe to be powerful enough to not need the US's protection Teddy quotes a Line which says "Speak Softly and carry a big stick".
  • Food Quality

    Food Quality
    The food industry didn't really have regulations for packaged foods with it having rotten meat peoples missing fingers and lots of animal feces these are the champions of socialism. A book called " The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair wrote this book to show Americans what has happening to the food they were eating. with the industry getting exposed the Meat Inspection Act was implemented to help standardize meat. this act gave the government the power to condemn meat deemed good
  • Gentleman's Agreement & Angel Island

    Gentleman's Agreement & Angel Island
    The Agreement is an executive order from Roosevelt which limited Japanese immigration although Hawaii needed Japanese sugar workers so the Japanese immigrants were accepted into Hawaii. the Japanese issued passports to families not in america.
    Angel Island is also known as the Ellis Island of the west coast where thousands of Chinese people immigrate after the 1906 earth quake in San Francisco, this meant that many birth records are lost and Angel island opened to help identify immigrants
  • China

    With a weak economy and military lots for foreign power trade with china which creates rivalries. Which is why the sphere of influence is made because the US is worried about the European power. Continuing on the open door policy is made which the us sponsored which means the Chinese market is open to everyone it is a "non establish" right to vote. There are no Taxes but the Chinese collected the product fees. this stopped the colonization of china by the European countries
  • William Howard Taft

    William Howard Taft
    Once good friends with Theodore Roosevelt, he was the secretary of war. William Henry Taft win the election Between William J Bryan. but with this Taft and Roosevelt drifted apart because they had differences mostly Philosophical. Roosevelt had a problem because he did try to take down trust and Taft didnt support alot of the new reforms. Taft was mostly an executive not a policy making one though
  • Japan

    The Japanese are modern and strong for there time. with this the russian and japanese war was here the japanese embarres the Russian which are a very proud people but then the man Teddy Roosevelt comes in a negotiated a peace treaty between the two countries which he wins a Nobel prize for. US citizens are worried about asian people overrunning places but most the people of California they wanted to stop immigration. Now roosevelt is worried about the relationship between the Japanese.
  • Election of 1912

    Election of 1912
    The election of 1912 was different because a new political party was formed called the Progressive party or the Bull Moose Party the nominees are Democrat Woodrow Wilson Republican Taft Progressive Roosevelt but the progressive republicans backed up Roosevelt. Woodrow Wilson had 435 electoral votes to 88 or teddy and 8 for taft so Wilson would be the new POTUS
  • Wilson Presidency

    Wilson Presidency
    With Wilson winning he cuts the tariffs which lost income but the 16th amendment implemented income taxes, the banking system wasn't great which had no central authorities and the banks acted and operated independently.Wilson also made the federal reserve act which holds bank funds in emergency time which set loan rates and issued currency. Wilson was a part of the National park reform which was establish there was a big demand for this system.the NPS runs all national parks monuments and sites
  • The Panama Canal

    The Panama Canal
    This would soon to be known as the shortest route between the Caribbean and the pacific ocean.this was started by the french but never finished because of mass disease and mudslides that occurred Until The BOI Teddy bought the right to build it out of his pocket change which cost 40 million dollars but columbia resist and the panama province revolted.The way the canal is built is using a system of locks and a artificial lake used to raised and lowered by the water level.diseases were eradicated
  • How the War Began

    How the War Began
    the Archduke Franz Ferdinand Bosnia to resolve some problems this is problem because the Black Hand is also in Bosnia trying to kill the Archduke well their first attempt didnt go as planned the archdukes ride had a window on the roof of the vehicle when opened left the Archduke open. Well blackhand members tried throwing bombs into the window and missed after that the Archduke was to tak a certain route when the driver took a wrong turn where a black hand member when shot and kill the archduke
  • RMS Lusitania

    RMS Lusitania
    This was a british passenger ship which sank due to germans firing upon the ship. This caused 1200 people to die with the americans on the ship which made americans very angry the US wanted reparations. studies say that there might have been weapons on board. But after this Germany stops attacking boats because they are worried that the US would join the war against the Germans
  • Period: to

    World War I

    world war i is pretty self explainatory but this timespan will contain how the war started who is on which side who everyone blames for the start of the war and the tactics and conditions in this war. Also explains why America joins so late to the wat the problems the US war with little bit of mexico. You will see the change in the industry due to the war with what is still going on with the US while the war is going on. a deadly virus that killed millions and then the conclusion of the war
  • Alliances

    The Central and Allied alliances were like this. Austria-Hungry has demands because their Archduke was killed and Germany was allied with A-H and pushed for an invasion of Bosnia had a plan called the Schlieffen Plan these are the central powers, the allied powers were Russia teamed up with Bosnia and you know algebra what happens to one side also goes on the other so Germany Declares war on Russia as well allied with Russia is France and Great Britain and Germany declares war on everyone.
  • the Home Front

    the Home Front
    the Industry was very busy with our boi's needing bullets and bread a lot of production factories stopped making products to make weapons for war. Or what every they needed at the time. With the men gone women take all the factory jobs. the great migration still continues with more and more African Americans go north in bigger ad bigger numbers because there is a demand for workers faced discrimination and prejudice for jobs
  • Western Front

    Western Front
    Contradictory to the Eastern front this front was smaller but only consisted of trenches which never moved 20 miles on either side because if one side tried to put it would be tragic to the other side. New weapons of war come up during this time like mustard gas airplanes tanks and machine guns with these innovations of war millions of people die and many get glorified like the freat Alvin York who received a Medal of Honor due to his great bravery in the lines
  • America

    America stays neutral but still trades with GB although they dotn have any invovement in the war this unease's German's, So britain blockades germany then germany back to GB where now American trade is affected now. German u-boats AKA submarines targeted allied and american merchant ships. this is were the germans take a pledge called the Sussex Pledge saying tha germans would not target american passanger ships unless there is evidence tthat told them other wise like having guns on the boat
  • Eastern Front

    Eastern Front
    Way Bigger than the Western front this front was from north to south coast with very little trenches stop causes stalemates between the two sides. the reason why this front goes away was because Russia was already unstable going into the war so during the war the Tsar (leader of Russia) was overthrown in February in 1917 this also caused the Bolshevik Revolutions in the same year. with a new leader Russia turns communist the leader is Vladimir Lenin from here on out this will be a 1 front war.
  • Americans Fight in Europe

    Americans Fight in Europe
    With there only being one front in this war now germans are now breaking the lines with the extra support. Americans not being apart of the allied powers the US army is called the American Expeditionary Force which is led by General John Pershing which helps stop the germans in france. the experience in those trenches were terrible with most soldiers developing PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) you could not live in peaces because you would always be worried about barbed wire and artillery
  • Disease and End of the War

    Disease and End of the War
    with the common flu being deadly this certain strain cause a world wide pandemic that people thought the the germans were using a biological weapons which millions of people died with 25 million americans getting sick and 675 confirmed deaths at these number could very much be higher.The end of the war and still doesnt get any better they actually get worse with deaths surging in the fall,the battle of ArgonneForest averaging 2,550 deaths a day but in November the Germans called for a armistice
  • Culture

    More people owned cars and were cleaner with fords highly affordable model t he was making it big on the assembly line mostly still bought on credit and pollution was still a big obstacles. there were 27 million cars in circulation by the 1930's with this new roads needed to be paved with bridges and tunnels so people could go where they needed to go. there was also a change in people knowing that people would look around other built motels diners and gas stations for business this will catch on
  • Prohibition

    The Temperance movement was big because if it worked alcohol would be illegal and people mostly males would be angry because they want their drink. then the 18th amendment was pass in 1917 but it took a while to actually go into effect, it went into effect in 1920 which outlawed the manufacture sale and transportation of alcohol illegal although the alcohol that was possessed before this was legal to drink. Law enforcement was big on this amendment where the police raided and destroyed alcohol
  • Illegal Alcohol

    Illegal Alcohol
    With the passing of the new amendment alcohol was in even higher demand more than it every was. the mafia bootlegged alcohol with them financing breweries and distilleries they widely bribed police officers the main mobster was Al Capone where he causes the St. Valentines Day massacre. Secret Bars called Speakeasies were huge then you could only gent in if you had the pass code these secret bars were mostly run by the mafia but the 21st amendment was ratified in 1933
  • Period: to


    the 1920 was a great time for america with a new culture of cars roads music and people just having fun the working life is greatly improved. with many benefits and leisure time to just do what people wanted innovations made for exciting era of records being set by the most ambitious of people. w new culture was born out these times with more freedom the new generations wanted to explore more and not just the world. although this is suppose a great era african americans still had it bad
  • The Working Life

    The Working Life
    the US guarantees workers safety so they wont have to worry about that would happen to them while at work, they also will support unions and good reasonable wages in the duration of WWI but all these guarantees go away after wwI big business will go back to normal as strikers accuse communist the union membership will be at a all time high politically the republicans love the big business while trust law are not being enforced
  • Warren Harding

    Warren Harding
    this is the president after woodrow wilson he rejected the league of nations because he believed the limiting to foreign polices we wanted all world powers to disarm so no problems would erupt. he also wanted to conserve the military budget so now the military was largely underfunded. US Japan France Britain agree to ship building limits and the US agrees there will be no military in the western pacific but the open door policy will continue
  • Benefits

    the benefits of this time will be that you could go on sick leave when you are sick you can buy and sell stock at your own choosing pensions with medical insurance which is still used today. employees also had paid vacation to instill loyalty to the company. many had alot of leisure time aka free time with this americans liked buying good like cars whether its from the dodge brother or Henry ford. something that was really big was radios almost everyone had one to listen to anything they wanted
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    The first scare caused restrictions ans limitations on immigration because of a fear of communism and WWI would make Americans Afraid of Germans in the US so the government implemented the Immigration act of 1924 which the main catalyst was the Russian Revolution. Many Anarchist and Communist would be deported because anarchist set off bombs many innocent people were deported this showed how paranoid Americans were at the time with the the american Germans, anarchist and communist
  • Ku Klux Klan

    Ku Klux Klan
    people are riding the fear from the Red scare suffrage prohibition and especially immigration, the KKK was initially suppressed by the government. but had millions of members in the 1920's there were thousands of lynchings and burning because these white people were upset by the Great Migration. many black communities were assaulted by white mobs. not ust black people were targeted but also Catholics, Jews, immigrants and feminist were too
  • Charles Lindberg

    Charles Lindberg
    this man was the first man to fly across the Atlantic in an airplane called the Spirit of St. Louis which was his plane. he flew non-Stop form New York City to Paris,France in may the trip was 3,610 miles and took 33 and a half hours but before that he was too excited that he didnt sleep for 55 hours straight i dont know if he took naps or not but that till along time all this man took was a flash light a rubber raft a wicker chair water and a couple of sandwiches he made.planes become popular
  • Harlem

    This was and artistic movement in the 1920s through the 30s photographer musicians and writers were improving lives then white people adapt this lifestyle and accuse of black trying to be white by lightening their skin and straightening their hair.A genre that was huge at this time was jazz the tinpanalley were publishers and singers and took over american music in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.Jazz comes from the Harlem renaissance where jazz venues brought whites and blacks together
  • Herbert Hoover

    Herbert Hoover
    President in 1928 he was orphaned as a child but was a humanitarian. Although he was going fairly well in the beginning of his term he was still a very bad public speaker he aslo believed in limited government intervention he then loses the next election to FDR because everyone thinks it Hoover's fault he is not the origin of the crash and the depression
  • The Stock Market Crash of 1929

    The Stock Market Crash of 1929
    the beginning of the crash started with the over productions of good with the falling demand there were just too may goods. there was also a uneven income distribution where 62 percent of the income was corporate income and 8 percent was for the workers which is big gap between those two. getting to the crash there was 10 days of just falling stocks flat lining the market. lots of people go to the bank to liquidate their stocks but the bank cant pay all of them because everyone is withdrawing
  • Period: to

    The Great Depression

    Herbert hoover was president in 1928 he started out doing well but then the crash of 29 happened stating in the events i will explain the origins of the crash the issues that were very important.also how Hoover responds to the crash and going into the GD . the election of 1932 and lots of thing the new president does to fix this huge problem that was going on at the time. how the banks were fix and new government agencies made just to Battle the depression
  • 3 Issues

    3 Issues
    the issues that the market had was that there was speculation of stocks you cant guess the stock market.the second was people used short term loans to buy stocks and repay the amount plus the interest and then have a profit this is bad because when the market crashed they could pay for the amount they borrowed plus the interest.the third issue was that the prices of stocks grow too much people being stocks at these over inflated prices sold them back once the price grew more but the bubble burst
  • Hoover's Response

    Hoover's Response
    knowing that Hoover wasn't the best with public speaking. the severity is not known at all it takes people a few years to understand that something is really bad the great depression lasts for over ten years which is the longest crisis in american history. the government tries to help so they lend money. the president believed in Laissez Faire but he wasn't sure if he should intervene. they needed Americans to work together to help take on this battle. there were shorter hours and no strikes
  • The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl
    since the southern plains didn't have very good agriculture all the ground soil was loose and with the fast air rotating this picked up lots of dirt and make them into huge clouds that just engulf houses and buildings like its nothing these dust storms blanketed many big cities so not just farms were attacked. the dust was so bad that it killed cattle, they would open up the animal and all they would find is dust in there insides. these also caused lung and eye problems
  • Election of 1932

    Election of 1932
    Republican Hebert Hoover already dug his own grave with the previous presidency. But there is another man named Franklin D Roosevelt a distant Cousin of Theodore Roosevelt runs for president nominated by the democrats FDR did not need to work hard to win he ran a simple campaign and still won by a huge margin . Mostly in a wheel chair the most of his president due to a swimming accident where he caught polio and lost most of the mobility in his legs he kept this a secret his entire presidency
  • African Americans

    African Americans
    African Americans received benefits for the first time in there history. Eleanor sparks interest in the democratic party so many join the new deal coalition which is a group of Liberals, Union Members, and Catholics. this new deal coalition allows Franklin Roosevelt to pass the new deal legislation and the democratic party caters to black issues The New Deal was the set of federal programs launched by Roosevelt after taking office in 1933, in response to the calamity of the Great Depression
  • FDR Presidency

    FDR Presidency
    FDR connected with the public where he had weekly live radio "podcasts" making sure everyone had hope that it will all be better which would be a high boost in moral and he made sure you knew that there was activity throughout the government. FDR set standards for the presidents creating the First 100 Days which is a measurement to how much a president has gotten done in his first 100 days. his wife and cousin Eleanor Roosevelt was FDR right hand the cared for all people she met no matter what
  • Depression and Germany

    Depression and Germany
    The Great depression didn't only effect the US but it hurt Germany too this is Hitler's chance to pitch his ideas and he did and they took hold. with this the Nazi party membership increases to the millions this is also when Hitler become Chancellor which is the 2nd highest political position when the Reichstag burns hitler is given emergency powers and bans all other political parties which then makes him Fuhrer in 1934 then after he establishes the Third Reich
  • "the King Fish"

    "the King Fish"
    Huey Long AKA the King Fish is a former governor of Louisiana he was a corrupt official. but them chosen to be senator with very high political ambitions he was also a socialist and initially supported the new deal but wanted it to be faster Long pushes FDR further left. he had the idea of what was called Share Our Wealth which mean the redistribution of wealth and no one makes over 1 million dollars everyone has a guaranteed income and pensions for the elderly supported Vet Benefits
  • Period: to


    time span is about the rise of Hitler and his Nazi following another other world tensions before the start of the war. also the events leading up the war start of the war with the tactics of the Nazi's and the allied powers response to those innovations by the Germans.. The Us also remains neutral for a good amount of the war. Just like the first world war but this time germany started the war. World War II is really just a more gruesome copy of the first one.
  • Communist Threat

    Communist Threat
    With the depression effecting so many peoples lives it creates communist that believe that this form of government will help with the depression as anxiety sustains its self in the lives of the depressionees. The Communist that the depression created had formed up into a communist party which consists of 100 thousand members this is the closes to communism we have been but FDR stays strong champions capitalism
  • The JapS in WWII

    The JapS in WWII
    the Japanese and Americans do not trust each other because they both ignore the military reduction agreements that they arranged on another point that Japan wants to expand and China is on its list but the US wants China to trade with. Japan invaded Manchuria and kill 6 million Chinese and also invades indo-china so sanctions are put on japan to encourage to stop invading places. Japan crossing the line the US freezes all of japans assets and example begin the oil shipments stop
  • Axis Power

    Axis Power
    The Axis powers consisted of Germany Italy and Japan with the leaders being Hitler for Germany Mussolini for Italy and emperor Hirohito for Japan these countries are all based on one central person having all the power unlike the Allied powers kind of because they do have Joseph Stalin
  • Allies

    Britain is with Churchill and the British commonwealth nations which are Canada Austria and new Zealand, France who is occupied mostly just resistance Joseph Stalin for the soviet union, And the United States with Roosevelt and Truman
  • Rise of the Nazi's

    Rise of the Nazi's
    Hitler's Natrual chrisma ad orator make way for a high position in the the Nazi party but before this He was a spy for the army and his target was the party he soon to be leader of. Hitler attempts a coup against the Weimar Republic he is charged with treason and sent to 9 months in jail for trying to over throw a government. while he was in jail he wrote a book called Mein Kampf which translates to my struggle
  • Neutrality/ Election of 1940

    Neutrality/ Election of 1940
    FDR says and states that he supports Neutrality he said privately that having to intervene in the is unavoidable he used cash and carry with a close analogy with a drive thru DiCapri . in 1940s fdr runs again for a third term he is the first and last to do this because we would need him in the seat for the war to come after the election Churchill Needs help. Churchill is the prime minister of the United Kingdom
  • Race and War

    Race and War
    Even though they were discriminated against black people still fought for this country which takes a lot of heart the Tuskegee Airman are some of the most decorated men in within the air units they fought in Europe under the training of General Benjamin Davis. These men were greatly discriminated. Native Americans were perceived as natural warriors they face less discrimination. Communication was critical and the Navajo used secret messages in their language so Japs couldnt break the code
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    as a Japanese surprise attack to the US with 8 battle ships. destroyed multiple place and supplies but still failed to cripple the US fleet because our aircraft carriers were not them and also the battle ships, they probably would of won the war if they got the carriers and the battleships . after this again the Japanese attack american and British territory in the south east Asia. the very next day Roosevelt declares war on japan the next day. and then Germany and Italy declares war of the US
  • Normandy/battle of the Bulge

    Normandy/battle of the Bulge
    The allies caught the Nazi's with their pants down used 5 landing points for the American, British, and commonwealth troopers, used 175 thousand troops 6 thousand and 6 thousands ships where the allied created a beach head they moved 55 miles in land on the very first day. afterwards the allies pushed the Nazi's back into Germany
    the battle of the bulge was in December 1944 this was the Nazi's last major offensive to break american lines but they stop the Nazi's advance
  • Europe's First Strategy

    Europe's First Strategy
    Europe wanted to beat Germany first because they were working on the atomic bomb which was the biggest offensive threat at the time with that the battle of the Atlantic which lasted 6 years was the longest and most complex battles in history where Germany sunk over 100 ships the span of a month used technology like a radar and a enigma machine it worked by Entering the first letter of your message on the keyboard and a letter lights up showing what it has replaced within the encrypted message