Bittersweet Creek
Jake comes back from his rendevouz and brings home paint and paint brushes for delilah. Delilahs favorite thing to do is paint,so she is always excited when he comes home.She prepares him dinner for when he arrives, and Jake tells stories of his trips. -
Bitter sweet Creek
Jake is gone on a rendevouz while delilah has to walk all the way to her parents house to give birth to her baby. Delilah names the baby Amos from the birds. Jake returns and figures out about delilah a nd feels its his fualt. Jake decided to leave Bittersweet Creek and take baby Amos. Jake couldn't get amos to sleep by singing him to bed. -
Near Henrietta's House
Rebecca was very sick with smallpox. However, small pox isn't why she died even though she would have died it anyway. All they heard was a gun shot and only Gil was there. Gil never told who killed Rebecca. Henrietta thinks it was the indians, but I think she wanted to be put out of her misery. Gil was upset the most, and didn't talk at all. Amos was also sad, and kept wanting to see Rebecca. -
Journey to Bittersweet Creek
Jake and his new wife Blue Owl took amos and is taking him with back to Bittersweet Creek. This chapter,Blue Owl was trying to impress Amos. She wants to be like a mother to Amos. Blue Owl made moccasins and food and made him take it. Amos and Blue Owl finally made a relationship -
Five years later
In October they went to Bittersweet Creek, Daisy's now older and has a husband and a baby named finn. Finn adores Amos and follows him everywhere. Finn wants to be just like Amos when he's oldewr. Blue Owl loves bittersweet. Her Indian lifestyle is way different and she loves not living that way anymore. -
Independence Spring
Jake decides to go West, while Blue Owl wants to stay at Bittersweet Creek. They get a oxen and head west. Amos saves a boys life, and thinks the boys sister is pretty. While they meet up with Jameson. Now jameson is going with. This also is the chapter Amos gets annoyed with Finn