The War That Saved My Life

  • The Beginning

    Ada is 10 years old and living with her brother Jamie and her abusive mother "Mam".
  • Off to Safety

    Ada and Jamie run away from their house and their mother and take a long train ride to escape the war.
  • They Find a Friend

    Ada and Jamie's train arrives and they are the only children without someone to greet them. They were both taken to Miss Susan Smith's house - who was forced to take care of them.
  • Taking Good Care

    Miss Smith takes good care of Ada and Jamie - she makes sure that the day eat and take baths every. She also takes care of Ada's foot.
  • Butter!

    One day when Miss Smith was sleeping, Ada went outside and tried to ride Miss Smith's pony Butter, all by herself
  • Ada Gets Crutches

    After Miss Smith took Ada to the doctor and learned that she suffers from having a club foot, she gets her crutches to help her walk and feel more confident.
  • Ada Finds a Friend

    Ada helps a girl named Margaret who fell off her horse and they became friends.
  • How Old Are We?

    Ada and Jamie don't know their birthdays, so Miss Smith makes them up Ada's is April 5, 1929 and Jamie's is February 15, 1933.
  • Christmas!

    Ada made Miss Smith a scarf for Christmas - she loves Miss Smith and loves living with her
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    The War That Saved My Life

  • Mam Comes Back!

    Mam comes back and takes Ada and Jamie back to her apartment. Mam was even more hurtful than ever - she takes Ada's crutches from her and hits Jamie. Ada finds out that Mam never even wanted her and her brother - Ada swear that they will run away again.
  • Making a Run For It

    Ada and Jamie leave Mam's house when she leaves for work - a bombing occurs and they have to hide in a shelter.
  • Together Again

    Miss Smith finds Ada and Jamie at the shelter. They all return home to Miss Smith's house to find it has been bombed too. They all realize that they all saved each other that day - and they all hug each other.