The war of 1812 (The War Starts)
The united states declared war on great britain. -
The War of 1812
General William Hull surrenders to General Isaac Brock at Detroit. -
The War of 1812
British forces won the battle of queenston heoght in canada. -
The War of 1812
General Isaac Brock is killed at the Battle of Queenston Heights. -
The War of 1812
Americans retreat from eastern canada. -
The War of 1812
An american army advanced toward detroit was defeated and captured at frenchtown on the raison river. -
The Battle of 1812
American Forces captured york cappital of upper canada. -
The Battle of 1812
American navel forces under master-commandant oliver hazard perry won the battle of lake erie -
The Battle of 1812
American Forces under general WIlliam Henery Harrison won the battle of the Thomas river in Moriviatown on Indian village in Canada. -
The Battle of 1812
American set fire to the town of Newark. -
The Battle of 1812
Presidents house scorched by fire repainted white called '' WHite House '' ever since. -
The War of 1812 ( The War Ends)
Ratifications of the Peace Treaty exchanged and President James Madison declares the war at an end.