British Impresment
After the british began a war with the french, te british started to take american sailors of their ships and put thim into the english army. This act of unlawful kidnaping enraged americans and broght them closer to another war. -
Period: to
The war of 1812
the cesapeak affair
The british attacked the U.S.S. chesapeak with the H.M.S. Leopard. the Leopard opend fire on the chesapeak cought of gaurd the chesapeak only got one xhot off before surrendering to the british. -
battle of tippacanoe
Considered to be the first battle of the war. the US Declares ware on britian a little over a half a year later. -
Battle of york
One of three faild attempts to invade canada the battle of york canada ultamatly was a victory for the americans, who after pillaging and burning york left canada. -
The battle of platsburg
One of the last battles of the war the battle of platsburgh wa fought shortly before the treaty of gehnt was signed. the battle ended the invasions of the northern states, N.Y, Maine ect, It also sent the british packing for canada. -
Battle of washington
after defeating american forces at te battle of bladensburg the brittish moved to washington. The British captured and burnes most of washington including the whitehouse. -
The treaty of ghent
This was the treaty sighned to end the war. but that doesnt mean that new got around quickly. The battle of new orleans took place after the war was officialy over.