President Madison Takes Office
- Americans angered at Britian for arming Native Americans
- Henery Clay and John C. became leaders in the House of Represenetive -Americans continued impressment of American sailors by British -Most American country honor was at stake -supporters were called hawks
Relations with Great Britian Worsen
-British told the Unitied States they would cotinue impressing sailors
-Native Americans began to attack frontier
-British were suppling guns and ammuntion to Native Americans
-Unitied States & Britian disagreed over trades
-Unitied States daring offer -
Period: to
The War of 1812
Congress Declares War on Britian
-In July Americans Troops under General William Hull invated Canada
-American Commander Oliver Hazard Perry switched to another ship and continued the fight untill the war was won
-General William followed British into Canda
-Native American suffered defeat in the south -Andrew Jackson took cammand of American forces -
Britian Blockades American Ports
-American troops under General William Hull
-Invaded Canada from Detroit
-feared they didn't have enough soldiers
-they returned home
-they retreated
-General Isaac Brock surrounder Hulls army -
USS Constitution scores victiory
-Defeat britian warships
-1 hour 2 ships jocked for position
- Constitution fired a barrage
- bounced off of ships weaden Hull
-Americans thought consitution was made of Iron -
Battle of Thames
-Leader was General William Henery
-British went to Canada
-Defeated the candadians
-lots of killiing in the Battle -
Horseshoe Bend
-The leader was Andrew Jackson
-Native American's had give up lands to whites -
Attack on Baltimore
-British moved to Baltimore
-First attack was on Fort Henery
-Defended city Harbor
-Francis Scott Key was a young American
-Franis wated the attack
-Dawn key saw the AMerican Flag
-American beaten off attack -
Teaty of Ghent
-Britian sent many troops across Alantic to fight against United States
- Returned the way they should be
-Took several weeks to reach
- Faught 1 more battle
- On Christmas eve 1814
- 2 sides signed -2 sides signed -
Hartford Convetion
- suggested that New England States secede from United States -the eatened toleave the Union if the war continued
- the war ended quickly -the protest was meaningless