The War of 1812

  • Period: to

    The War of 1812

  • President Madison Takes Office

    President Madison Takes Office
    When James Madison took office tensions were high with Britian. They were high because they armed Native Americans in the Northwest. Also they did not continue impressment with american sailors.
  • War Hawks Take Power

    War Hawks Take Power
    War Hawks wanted war, but New England did not.Englanders thought if they started war it would harm American trade.
  • Relationships With Britian Worsen

    Relationships With Britian Worsen
    The British said they wouldnt stop impressing sailors. Native Americans started new attacks on fronties. This happened, so then the Congress declared war.
  • Congress Declares War On Britian

    Congress Declares War On Britian
    The war began at a very bad time for British and America. The British was still at war in Europe. And America was not ready because of all the cuts Jefferson made in the government.
  • America is Not Ready

    America is Not Ready
    Because of the cuts Jefferson made, the army only has 7000 men to fight.America only had about 16 war ship on the water. Also they lowered the money they gave to the army for weapons and food.