The War of 1812

  • Madison became President

    Madison became President
    James Madison, Jr. was an american states man and political theorist. He is said to be "The Father of the Consititution".He was the fourth President of the United States. He severed as a politician most of his adult life. Like other Virginia statesmen, he was of the landed gentry; he inherited his plantation known as Montpelier, and owned hundreds of slaves during his lifetime to cultivate tobacco.
  • Period: to

    The War of1812

  • War Hawks take power

     War Hawks take power
    In 1810, two strong nationalists, Henry Clay of Kentucky and John C. Calhoun of South Carolina, became leaders in the House of Representatives.Opposition to War was strongest in England. Many New Englanders thought war with Britian would harm trade with America.
  • Period: to

    The War of 1812

  • Relations with Great Britian worsen

    Relations with Great Britian worsen
    Relations with Britian worsened steadily in the early months of 1812.In the Spring, Britian told the United States it would continnnue impressing sailors. Meanwhile, Native Americans in the west staryted their attacks on the frointier seetlements.
  • America is not Ready for War

    America is not Ready for War
    When War began, Americans were confident they would win. It soon became apparent that the United Staes was not ready for war. Jefferson's spending cuts weaked American military strength. The navy only had 16 warships ready for action. The army was also small, with fewer than 7,000 men.
  • Congress Declares War on Britian

    Congress Declares War on Britian
    The war did not come at a good time for the British, who were still at war with Europe. However, Britian was not willing to meet American demands to avoid war. Providing Native Americans with support was one way of protecting Canada against American invasion.
  • Invasion of Canada

    Invasion of Canada
    In July, 1812 American troops under General William Hull Invaded Canada from Detriot. Hull was unsure of himself. Fearing he did not have enough soldiers, he soon retreated. The British commander General Isaac Brock, Took advantage of Hull's confusion. His army of British soldiers and Native Americans surrounded Hull's army, and forced it to surrender.
  • Britian Blockades American Ports

    In the first days of war, The British set up a blockade of the American Coast. By 1814, the British navy had 135 warships blockading American ports. After reinforcing their troops the British were able to close all American ports by wars end.
  • Second Battle of Sackets Harbor

    Second Battle of Sackets Harbor
    The Second Battle of Sacket's Harbor or simply the Battle of Sacket's Harbor, took place on 29 May 1813, during the War of 1812. A British force was transported across Lake Ontario and attempted to capture the town, which was the principal dockyard and base for the American naval squadron on the lake. They were repulsed by American regulars and militia.
  • The Battle of Lake Erie

    The Battle of Lake Erie
    Both were aware of the importance of controlling the lake. A key three hour battle took place at Put -In-Bay, in western part of the lake in 1813. During the battle the American flagship was badly damaged. The Commander Oliver Hazard Perry switched to another ship and continuted the fight until it was won.
  • The Battle of Thames

    The Battle of Thames
    The Battle of the Thames, also known as the Battle of Moraviantown, was a decisive American victory in the War of 1812. It took place on October 5, 1813, near present-day Chatham, Ontario in Upper Canada. It resulted in the death of the Shawnee chief Tecumseh, and the destruction of the Native American coalition which he led.
  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    Battle of Horseshoe Bend
    Andrew Jackson took command of American forces in Georgia. In March 1814 Jackson defeaded the Creeks at The Battle of Horseshoe Bend. The treaty that ended the fighting forced the Creeks to give up millions of acres of land.
  • Battle of Fort Oswego

    Battle of Fort Oswego
    In the early months of 1814 Lake Onterio was frozen. Both American and British were building frigates. This made a contest. British was first tocomplete but the Americans was more powerful.
  • Washington Attacked & Burned

    Washington Attacked & Burned
    The new British strategy was to attack the nation's capital, Washington, D.C. In August 1814, a British force marched into the city. Dolley Madison, the Presidentsa wife, gathered up the Presidents important papers and fled the White House. The British set fire to several government buildings, inculding the White House.Americans were shocked to learn that their army could not defend Washington.
  • Battle of Plattsburgh

    Battle of Plattsburgh
    This was the final invasion in the north of the war of 1812. A british general had a squad on the lakside of the town were American troops were guarding the land. Soon in the morning British attacked and were harshly defeated and and a British general was killed.
  • The Writing of the Star Spangled Banner

    The Writing of the Star Spangled Banner
    The person who saw the attack wrote a poem called "The Star Spangled Banner" and it was based on what he saw. After it was public, it was put to music and the government declared it the countrys national anthem.
  • Attack on Baltimore

    Attack on Baltimore
    The Battle of Baltimore was a combined sea/land battle fought between British and American forces in the War of 1812. It was one of the turning points of the war as American forces repulsed sea and land invasions of the busy port city of Baltimore, Maryland, and killed the commander of the invading British army forces
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    The Hartford Convention was an event in 1814–1815 in the United States in which New England Federalists met to discuss their grievances concerning the ongoing War of 1812 and the political problems arising from the domination of the Federal Government by Presidents from Virginia. Despite many outcries in the Federalist press for New England secession and a separate peace with Great Britain.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    Signed on 24 December 1814, in Ghent (modern day Belgium, then in limbo between the First French Empire and United Kingdom of the Netherlands), was the peace treaty that ended the War of 1812 between the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The treaty largely restored relations between the two nations to status quo ante bellum. Because of the era's slow communications, it took weeks for news of the peace treaty to reach the United States, and the Battle o
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    The Ghent tready returned things to the way the had been before the war. News of the tready took several weeks to reach the United States. In that time, the two sides fought more battles. In Janurary 1815, American forces under General Andrew Jackson won a stunning victory over the British at the Battle of New Orleans.
  • USS Constitution scores a victory

    USS Constitution scores a victory
    The USS Constitution was a American warship. It was one of the most epic sea battles of all time. For almost an hour, The USS Constitution and a British ship went at it with each other. Eventually the U.S. won as the British cannon balls "bounced" off the American ship. The walls of the ship was 2 feet thick made of extremely durable wood which won the battle.