The War of 1812

  • The Start of the War of 1812

    The Start of the War of 1812
    This was the day that the war of 1812 started. The main reason the war started was the British's fault. They were Impressing American soildiers. Another reason was that the British violated many neutral rights that the American and British made.
  • James Madison

    James Madison
    James Madison was president during the war. He was president from 1809-1817. He was very aggressive while making trades with the Bitish and after no other options, he declaired war. which turned out to be a great chose in the end for James Madison.
  • Period: to

    The War of 1812

  • Stoney Creek

    Stoney Creek
    This Battle was in Ontario, Canada. The British were led by Lieutenant Colonel Harvey. And he made everyone take the flint out of their guns to make sure that there were no accidents. They approched the Americans camp very slowly and silently. That certainly helped. The British blindsided the Americans and beat them in no time. This win helped the British greatly.
  • Tecumseh

    Tecumseh was a leader for the Indians. He went into power after his fathers death. He led them in the battle of Thames. Tecumseh died in the battle. After that, the surviving Indians withdrew themselves from the alliance and war.
  • Battle of Thames

    Battle of Thames
    This battle took place in upper Canada. The British set up to battle and their cannons failed. Then about twenty men on horses rode out onto the battlefield to fight. At that time, the leader of the Indians (Tecumseh) was shotand killed. After that, everything went south for the British. The British lost twelve men and twenty-two wounded, while the Americans only had seven deaths and seventeen wounded. This battle ended in another win for the Americans.
  • Francis Scott Key

    Francis Scott Key
    Francis was an American lawer and then was detained by the British. After he saw the American flag on Fort McHenry, he was inspired to write the Star-Spangled-Banner. This song is now known all around the world and is sang at sports game everyday. Like baseball and basketball games.
  • Battle of Fort Erie

    Battle of Fort Erie
    This battle took place at Fort Erie, which is present day Ontario. Fromthe start, this was a British fort. Then the Americans took it over shortly, then lost it back to the British. Ater that the Americans came back strong and took over the fort for good. The British surrendered without shooting that many shots. This battle ended in an American win.
  • Dolly Madison

    Dolly Madison
    Dolly Madison was the the first lady and wife of James Madison. She did many great thing as first lady. One of her best was right before the the White House burnt down, she saved a special portrait of George Washington. She saved this portrait from being stolen or burned by the British.
  • Battle of North Point

    Battle of North Point
    This battle took place in Baltimore. The British had the advantage the whole time. After pushing the Americans back several times, they were forced to retreat. This left the capital open for an attack. Later that day the British burnt down many buildings, including the White House. This loss affected them greatly.
  • The War of 1812 Peace Treaty

    The War  of 1812 Peace Treaty
    The Peace Treaty was signed in Ghent, which is modern day Belgium. The U.S. government attempted several times to negotiate a peace treaty before, but didnt succed. The five american negotiators were Henry Clay, Jonathan Russell, John Adams, Albert Gallatin, and James Bayard. This treaty was odd because it was signed before the war ended.
  • Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson
    Andew Jackson was a major general in the United States Army during the War of 1812. He won the battle of New Orleans agaisnt a British force of 7500 men. This was the final battle in the War of 1812. Later Andew Jackson also served as the seventh president of the United States.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    Took place in New Orleans. American forces was commanded by Andrew Jackson. And they defeated the British army . The British army wanted to capture New Orleans and other land that the Americans had just bought in the Louisiana Purchase. The war finally ended when they found out that a treaty had been signed. This is refered to as one of the greatest land victories in the war for the Americans.
  • The end of the War of 1812

    The end of the War of 1812
    The end of the was not when they peace treaty was signed, it was on a latter date. February 18, 1815 to be exact. The news traveled slowly, so not everyone knew at the same time. After a long battle, the Americans came out on top.