The Move Toward War
Events: President Madison takes Office.
Tension was high when James took office in 1809.
Americans were mad at Birtish for arming the Native Americans in the North West.
Americans Continued impressment of the Merican sailors by the British. -
Period: to
The War of 1812
The move toward war
Event; War Hawks take Power.
Henery C. of Kentuky & John C.of South Carolina became leaders in the Hoq R?
They were the 2 strongest "Nationalist".
Henery and John were called the War Hawks.
Englanders beleived that war with Britian would interfere with thier trades. -
The move toward war
Event: Congress declares war on Britian.
President Madison asked Congress to declare war on Britian.
The House voted 79-49 in favor of war.
Americans soon discoverd that winning the war would not be easy as declaring it was...
They feared the British navy would attack sea ports. -
The Early Days of War
Event: USS constitution scores a victory!
The USS constitution defeated the Brithish War Ship.
American sailors nicknamed the constitution "Old Ironsides".
To the Americans, it seemed as if the constitution were made out of "Iron".
American and Birthsh faught over the Great Lake & The Mississippi River. -
Conflict in the South
Event; Horseshoe Bend,
Jackson defeated the Creeks at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend.
They were forced to give up millions and acres of land.
British finally defeated Napolean.
Winning allowed British to send many troops to the United States.
The new British strategy was to attak the Nations Capital. -
The war in the West & South
The Early Days In The Maerch Event: Horsehoe Bend
Jackson defeated the creeks at the battle of Horseshoe Bend.
The treaty ended. The fighting forced the creeks to give up millions & acres of Land. -
Final Battles
Event: Washington, D.C. attaked & Burned.
The British force marched into the city.
The presidents wife gathered up the important papers and fled the White House.
The British set fire to several buildings, Includeing the White House
After the Brithish had left to Baltimore. -
Final Battles
Event: Attaked on Blatimore.
Francis Scott Key who was a young american.
Key watched the attack.
At dawn Key saw the American flag rise overthe fort.
One of the poems Key wrote was "The Star Spangled Banner". -
The war in the West & South.
Event: Invasion of Canada
American troops under General William Hull invaded Canada from Detriot.
Hull was very unsure to himself from what could happen.
General Isaac Brock, took advantage of Hull's confession.
British & Native American soilders warriors + surrounded HUlls army.
British captured more than 2,000 American troops.