President Madison takes office
Tension was high when James took office. U.S.A citizens were angry at britin for arming Native Americans. Britten also countuned to imppressment of U.S.A sailors. -
War Hawks Take Power
Clay Calhoun and their supporters were called war hawks The opposition for war was the strongest in new england -
Relations with great britain worsen
Relations with britten woresened steadily in the early months of 1812. In early spring the britesh told america they were going to keep imprisoning u.s soildgers. -
Congress declares war on Brittin!
The war was a horrible time for Brittin for they were still at war with Europe. But Brittin was still not willing to meet any damands to avoid war. Britten countinued to ikeep supling native americans with wepons. -
America is not Ready for war
Jeffersons speanding cuts has weakened american funds. americans army was also atleast 7000 small the army had barely any funds and america only had 16 war ships ready for war. -
Britten Blockades American Ports
In the first days of the war Britten set up a blockade on american ports. By 1814 The british navey had 135 warships blockadeing american ports. After reinforcing their troops the brittesh were able to close off all american ports by wars end. A important sea battle was fought at the beginning of the war in Agust 1812 the USS constitution defeated Brittesh warship Guerriere in a firece battle in tradtion ameican sailors nicknamed the constititon Old I -
Invasion Of Canada
Befire the war began the war hawks were demanding war on canada. They expected Canadians to welcome the chance to throw off brittish rule. July 1812 American troops under General Willaiam hull invaided canada from Detroit. Hull was unsure of himself. Fearing he didnt have enough men soon he retreated. -
Second Battle of Sacketts Harbor
The second battle of sackets harbor took place the 29th of may 1813 in the war of 1812. a brittish force went across lake ontario and attempted to take the town.`