The War of 1812

By egroff
  • President Maduson Takes Office

    President Maduson Takes Office
    Americans were angry at Britain forcing American sailors onto
    British ships and made them serve in the British Navy.
  • Period: to

    The War of 1812

  • Britain Blockades American Ports

    Britain Blockades American Ports
    British were trying to stop the Americans form leaving the United States. Americans wanted to be able to sail thier ships wherever they wanted.
  • USS Constitution Scores a Victory

    USS Constitution Scores a Victory
    The uss constitution beat the British warship guerriere
    in a tough battle on the North Atcantic ocean.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    a three hour battle took place and the Americans won the battle under the commander oliver Hazard Perry.
  • Washington,D.C. Attacked and Burned

    Washington,D.C. Attacked and Burned
    first lady dolly Madison was the and packed up important government papers and had someone grab a painting of George washington she then left washington on D.C.
  • Wrting of the star spangled banner

    Wrting of the star spangled banner
    A young American,franics Scott key saw the american flag still flying over the fort key wrote a poem on the star spangled banner
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    the Americans and the british sighed the treatyof ghent, which
    ended the war.
  • Battle of new Orleans

    Battle of new Orleans
    General Andrew Jackson led 5.000 american soliers whitch included people from Europe,native americas slaves. and free
    African americans to win the battle of new orleans.