Weal 10 img1850

The War of 1812

  • Beginning of British impressment of American sailors

    One of the primary causes of the war -- British naval ships would attack American ships and forcefully draft U.S. seamen into the Royal Navy.
  • Period: to

    The War of 1812

  • James Madison presents a report on British impressment to Congress

    This report sparked outrage among the Americans, and prompted the creation of the Monroe-Pinckney Treaty, which, unfortunately, failed to end the conflict.
  • Chesapeake-Leopard Affair

    British ship, Leopard, fires upon and destroys the unprepared American ship, Chesapeake. Caused an uproared in America.
  • Jefferson passes the Embargo of 1807

    Due to Chesapeake-Leopard affair, Jefferson bans trade with Britain. Ultimately didn't work, since American trade couldn't survive w/o British.
  • Inauguration of President James Madison

  • 12th United States Congress convenes; discusses war with Britain

  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    Due to British interference (another cause of war), Americans battle the Natives. William Henry Harrison fights Tecumseh's men; wins.
  • Declaration of war by United States on Great Britain and Ireland

  • General William Hull (U.S.A.) begins his attempt to overtake Canada

  • Capture of Fort Mackinac by British in Michigan

  • Riots in Baltimore against the war

  • Siege of Detroit

    William Hull's forces surrender to General Isaac Brook and his Native alliances. Brook dies in Battle of Queenstown Heights three months later.
  • Battle of Queenstown Heights

  • James Madison reelected

  • Battle of Frenchtown

    Strong start from Americans, but they ultimately were torn apart by the British and Natives. Survivors were killed in massacre next day.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Americans, under Captain Perry, defeat the British.
  • Battle of the Thames/Tecumseh's death

  • Battle of York

    American soldiers fought in and burned down the British city of York.
  • Battle of Crysler's Farm

    American defeat against British and Canadian forces. Ultimately caused America to scrap its plans for taking over Canadian areas.
  • Battle of Chippawa

    Victory for American army during invasion of Canada.
  • First peace negotiations in Ghent

  • Burning down of White House

    British burn down the White House at the capital in retaliation for the burning down of York. Madison and co flee.
  • Battle of Plattsburgh

    American victory that promptly ended British invasion, leading to the Treaty of Ghent.
  • Treaty of Ghent is signed

  • Battle of New Orleans

    Final victory for Americans, widely considered the greatest land victory for Americans in the war. It made Andrew Jackson a hero.
  • United States Congress ratifies the Treaty of Ghent; war ends