The wandering of the Magyars

  • Period: 500 BCE to 500

    Magna Hungaria

    The historians don’t have enough source to know if it was a country. The Magyars lived here between 500 BC and 500 ad, this and the existence of the Magna Hungaria was proven by Friar Julianus. The Magyars learned new ways of life here, like agriculture, this was reflected by new words like plough calf swine wool. The 7 Magyar tribes were established here. Due to overpopulation the majority of the Magyars moved to Levédia.
  • 670


    The Magyars got to Levédia in the 7th, according to newer discoveries this happened around 670. The land was already occupied by the Khazar Khaganate. This was the first monotheistic religion the magyars met during their wanderings. The Khazars accepted the Magyars, but they made them pay taxes. During this time the Magyars organized their „state” based on the Khazar model, this was called the dual principality. In dual principality there were two leaders.
  • 850


    Etelköz was a plain land and was surrounded by rivers, to name a few the Danube the, Dnieper and the Dniester. The Magyars came here in the 9th century around 850. The legend of the blood ought is connected to this land. The blood ought symbolizes unity. They elected a grand „prince”, who was basically the leader of all tribes. Álmos or his son Árpád was elected to be grand „prince”.
  • Period: 895 to 896

    Conquest of the Carpathian Basin

    The Magyars had information on the Carpathian basin, they knew the territory was inhabited by the Moravians, Bulgars, Bavarians, Franks, and Avars, because they led campaigns there. They enterd through passes, most well known the Verecke pass, led by Árpád. The conquest of the Carpathian basin was not a specific time but a process, this is the reason why there are multiple dates.
  • Period: 895 to 899

    Occupation of Transylvania

    The first land the Magyars conquered was Transylvania. This was the start of the conquest of the Carpathian basin.
  • 902

    The defeate of the Morovians

    The Morovians were destroyed by the Magyars.
  • 907

    The defeat of the Bulgarians

    The defeat of the Bulgarians
    With the defeat of the Bulgarians, the conquest came to an end, and it meant that the whole Carpathian Basin was under Magyar influence. The most famous battle from this campaign was the battle of Pozsony.
  • Period: 907 to 955


    After the conquest of the Carpathian basin, the Magyars started raiding mainly western territories. The reason of the incursions is that the west was weaker then them, they were not united, and they were reasonably rich.
  • 933

    Battle of Merseburg

    Battle of Merseburg
    The first real defeat that the Magyars suffered happened in Merseburg in 933. The defeat happened because by this time the Magyar tactics were well known and could be planned up on.
  • 955

    The battle of Augsburg

    The battle of Augsburg
    The Magyars were ultimately beaten at Augsburg by Otto The first, who was the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. After the defeat the incursions came to an end. The Magyars settled down in the Carpathian basin.
  • 972

    Géza became the prince

    Géza became the prince
    Géza inherited the title of prince(fejedelem) in 972. This meant that he was the leader of the Magyars, and started the process of settling down.