
The Wall: Trump VS Congress

  • Trump Rejects $25 Billion For Wall Funding

  • Funding

    the Supreme Court ruled $2.5 billion originally meant for the Department of Defense for anti-drug efforts to build the wall. On July 31, 2022 the Supreme Court ruled another $2.5 billion for the wall.
  • Funding Resctrictions

    Congress amends and existing appropriations bill, changing the wording so that Trump cannot take funds from departments such as Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge, the Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park, and a lot of other facilities
  • Emergency Fraud

    Trump declares a national emergency in order to pull funds from the military to build the wall. This decision is promptly shut down by the supreme court saying that Trump does not have the ability to declare a national emergency in their current situation.
  • Biden Impedes

    Biden had issued Proclamation 10142, where he had paused construction of the wall. Biden had claimed that the wall was not a national emergency but when he was on campaign, had told citizens that all entries will still be open and secure.