Period: to
time span
time -
begining of book
Jannie and her freind dream of getting married -
Reve leaves for collage
Reve leaves for collage and jannie is really sad -
Reve at collage
Reve gets made fun of at collage starts telling storys about Jannie. -
Jannie attacks camara man and breaks his camara. She dosent whant her story in the yearbook. It is also face paint day. -
Reve starts telling Jennies story on the radio and gets really popular at his collage. -
Reve comes
Reve visits with Jannie and makes her really happy. -
Reve dosent whant Jennie to know about him telling his story on the radio. -
Going to Boston
Jennie and her brother and sister are going to boston to look at collages and see Reve. -
Jennie and her brother and sister listen to Reve on the radio and here that he is telling all Boston about Jennie's story. -
Hanna calls
Hanna calls the radio station and Reve freaks out. Also Brian calls Reve and the station and Reve gos to there hotal room and gets yelled at by Jennie and everyone is really sad. -
Jennie finds out
Also Brian calls Reve and the station and Reve gos to there hotal room and gets yelled at by Jennie and everyone is really sad. -
Brian calls
Also Brian calls Reve and the station and Reve gos to there hotal room and gets yelled at by Jennie and everyone is really sad. -
Jannie tells him to leave
Jannie says she hates him and tells reve to leave. -
Jennie gos home
Jennie and her brother and sister are very sad and mad at Reve. -
reve goes to jannies house
Reve goes to jennies house to see if she is mad -
Reve leaves sad
Reve leaves and gos to collage sad. -
Reve delets some of the jannies
Reve delets some of the Jannies so she wont be mad at him anymore. -
Reves freinds at radio station find out and get mad. -
Come Back
Reves freinds what him to come back and tell jannies. -
Reves says no to doing the jannies.