The Virginia Dynasty

  • Naturalization Act Repealed

    Naturalization Act Repealed
    The Naturalization Act, which only let white people immigrate to America, is repealed by Jefferson. Learn more: C-SPAN Naturalization Laws Political: this opened up the gates, literally, to new possibilities and inclusion in America.
  • Election of 1800

    Election of 1800
    Thomas Jefferson, a Democratic-Republican defeated the incumbent Federalist president, John Adams. Therefore, Thomas Jefferson became the 3rd President of the United States. Political: This election ushered in a new generation of Democratic-Republican leadership in the United States.
  • Period: to

    Jefferson's Agrarian Republicanism

    A philosophy by Thomas Jefferson that a rural society is superior to an urban society that led to the treatment of western lands being in favor of farmers. Intellectual: Jefferson created a philosophy/ideological policy system for people in rural/agrarian societies to feel more connected and understood on an intellectual level.
  • Period: to

    The Tripolitan War

    This conflict began over the refusal of America to continue to support the piratical North African Barbary. They did this in order for American merchant vessels to be immune from attack in the Mediterranean. Upon declaration of war, Thomas Jefferson called upon the Navy to fight in Tripoli waters. With the strong naval blockade of America the war as brought to a close, with a treaty that was more heavily favorable to America. Military: this conflict brought together American forces.
  • Marbury v. Madison

    Marbury v. Madison
    Thomas Jefferson appointed new Supreme Court judges and justices before Madison was in office. These new appointees required their commissions to be delivered by the Secretary of State. Marbury petitioned to make the Secretary of State deliver these documents. They ruled that Madison should turn over the documents, but the Constitutional laws regarding those rules could not be changed.
    Political: addressed by the Supreme Court, regarding the Supreme Court itself.
  • Ohio State Establishment

    Ohio State Establishment
    The 17th state in the nation, Ohio joins the union. Political: A region is added to the map.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    A transaction with France where the United States purchased 828,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi River for $15 million during Thomas Jefferson's presidency. Political: This purchase allowed for the United States to have more land, and therefore more colonies. By going forth with this transaction with France, the United States gained more political power in North America.
    Friendship Hill National Historic Site
  • Election of 1804

    Election of 1804
    The incumbent President, Thomas Jefferson, won a landslide election against Federalist Charles C. Pinckney. Political: This election furthered the age of Democratic-Republicanism, as they once again won the Presidency against the Federalists.
  • Period: to

    Lewis and Clark Expedition

    A federally funded venture to explore the West. The main goal was to survey the Missouri and Columbia rivers with hopes of locating routes that would connect the continental interior to the Pacific Ocean. Intellectual: The expedition led to new discoveries about the rivers within the North American West, and led to the discoveries of at least 178 plants and 122 animals including mammals, birds, reptiles, and fish.
    Lewis & Clark National Historic Site
  • Period: to

    Pike Expedition

    An expedition by a military party that was sent out by the President (Thomas Jefferson) and authorized by the United States government with the purpose of exploring the south and west of the recent Louisiana Purchase. Military: This expedition was done with the intent of finding the headwaters of the Mississippi River, as well as to acquire sites for new U.S. military outposts.
  • Chesapeake Affair/Impressment and the Embargo Act of 1807

    Chesapeake Affair/Impressment and the Embargo Act of 1807
    Naval disagreement between British and Americans about the British navy forcibly removing American sailors from the USS Chesapeake. British naval captain, Leanord opened fire, wounded/killed several American sailors, boarded American ships, and took hostage of several American sailors. Political: This affair represented the still ongoing political rivalry between the once connected Britain and United States. Chesapeake & Ohio Canal
  • The Embargo Act of 1807

    The Embargo Act of 1807
    The act closed U.S. ports to all exports, restricted imports from Britain, and prohibited American ships from trading in foreign port as a form of "punishment" in response to British and French interference with the U.S's neutral merchant ships during the Napoleonic War. Furthermore, it was also a way of following neutrality by not trading with any foreign powers. Economic: The Embargo Act barely affected the British and French economies, however it nearly destroyed American commerce.
  • Election of 1808

    Election of 1808
    In this election the Democratic-Republican candidate, James Madison, won the vote over the Federalist candidate, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney. Political: Following the trend of two term presidencies, the Democratic-Republicans stayed in power.
  • Secretary of Treasury

    Secretary of Treasury
    In the face of many challenges in Madison's cabinet, he convinces his Secretary of Treasury, Albert Gallatin, to stay in his position. Political: remained office in hard political time.
  • President Vetos

    Madison vetos two religious bills in Congress, one regarding Baptists in Mississippi and and Episcopalians in D.C. Religious: these bills refer to issues regarding denominations of Christianity.
  • Period: to

    The National Road

    This road was the first federally funded road in U.S. History. This opened the Ohio River Valley to the Midwest, which is great for commerce and finding a place to live. Personal and Economical: Economical because it supports commerce, and Personal because it helped people get the lives they wanted.
  • Period: to

    Tecumseh's War

    A war between a mult-tribal army allied with the British against the United States in response to U.S. expansion. After Tecumseh died at the Battle of Thames, the Indian alliance fell apart and the Americans continued their expansion.
  • Election of 1812

    Election of 1812
    Incumbent Democratic-Republican president, James Madison, won the election against DeWitt Clinton with support from the North as well as Federalists. Political: This election happened during the War of 1812, showing the advocacy for stability in Presidency as well as further support for the Democratic-Republican party.
  • Gibbons v. Ogden

    Gibbons v. Ogden
    A new New York state law said that Robert R. Livingston and Robert Fulton a monopoly over the commerce happening overseas for 20 years. After a partner of theirs, Gibbons, worked on a steamboat Ogden ran, Ogden tried him for it. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Gibbons. Economic: This court case regarded issues involving business and trade.
  • Louisiana State Establishment

    Louisiana State Establishment
    Louisiana becomes the 18th state to join the union. Political: a new state is established.
  • Declaration of War

    Madison issues declaration of war against British in regards to international trade disputes. Military: Despite the United States' inferior military, this action of war was done in hopes of ending suspected British support of Indian attacks.
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

    War fought between the United States and the British over the impressment of American sailors by the British Navy, disagreements over trade, western expansion, and Native American policy. This war ended inconclusively between the two after about three years of fighting. Fort McHenry
  • Period: to

    Red Stick's War

    A civil war between the Creek people that involved both European powers and the United States. The war was between traditionalists, "red sticks", who fought to preserve their traditions and those favoring assimilation into American culture. This war was instigated by American encroachment into the lands of the Creek. Political: This war was spurred by American politics interfering with the politics within the Creek tribe, as indigenous colonialism spread throughout the United States.
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    Congress of Vienna

    An assembly of European powers to decide the future of Europe after the Napoleonic Wars. The assembly ended with signing towards the balance of power within Europe. Political: The final document's signage led to a period of peace for 40 years between the European nations by containing over 100 articles on the implementation of a political system in Europe.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    This treaty ended the War of 1812 between U.S. and Britain. It was based on the "status quo antebellum", meaning it maintained the prewar conditions. Therefore, Great Britain agreed to give up its claims to the Northwest Territory, and both countries promised to work towards ending the slave trade. Political: The treaty ended a military dispute between two commonly warring nations in hopes of peace and understanding between the two political powers.
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    The Era Of Good Feelings

    In the aftermath of the war of 1812, the people of America were significantly unified for this period of time. There was desire for this and it emulated the purpose of America to begin with. Culture: The behavior and relationships of people in America in this time was greatly positive and was what the vision was for America.
  • Election of 1816

    Election of 1816
    Democratic-Republican candidate James Monroe defeated Federalist Rufus King with 183 electoral votes to King's 34. Political: This election was the last time the Federalists ran a presidential candidate, as there were so many defeats by the Democratic-Republicans.
  • Period: to

    The American System

    A federal policy based on a market economy that aimed to promote economic nationalism and reduce the country's reliance on foreign imports. During this period Congress enacted programs that supported the American System's major elements (Second Bank of US, high tariffs). Economic: This ideology was based on bettering the economic status of the United States after the War of 1812.
  • The Tariff of 1816

    The Tariff of 1816
    a 25% tax was imposed on wool in America as well as other cotton goods, which were outsourced from other countries. This pushed the country further into industrialization. Further explanation at: Economics: This event has to do with taxes and the overall trade/economy of the country.
  • Indiana State Establishment

    Indiana State Establishment
    Indiana becomes the 19th state to join the union. Political: a new state is added to the union.
  • Period: to

    Second Bank of the United States

    This was the second national bank built on Hamilton's ideals of how to manage all the currency in the U.S. Madison claimed that the bank was necessary to have funds for the war with Britain, despite having been opposed to the first one. The bank eventually expired. Economic: The Second Bank of the United States was a second attempt at running the economy more smoothly at the federal level.
  • Period: to

    Erie Canal

    The Erie canal opened up development and opportunities for the Midwest. Water supply was going straight from New York to the Midwest. This also attracted people to the Midwest area. Political: This moved people across the American plane and claimed more territory.
  • Mississippi State Established

    Mississippi State Established
    Mississippi becomes the 20th state to join the union. Political: a new state is added to the union.
  • Rush-Bagot Treaty

    Rush-Bagot Treaty
    Ratified by the United States Senate on this date, the treaty was an agreement between the United States and Great Britain that Britain would eliminate their fleets from the Great Lakes, excepting small patrol vessels. Military: This treaty served to "demilitarize" the Great Lakes from any remaining British naval arrangments/forts. This was done to protect the United States from future military disagreements.
  • Illinois Entering the Union

    Illinois Entering the Union
    Illinois became the 21st state of the United States of America after it was declared as part of the Northwest Territory by the Northwest Ordinance. Political: Illinois becoming a state furthered American expansion and represented the effects of legislation such as the Northwest Ordinance.
  • Period: to

    The Panic of 1819

    This was the first really serious financial crisis in America. It slowed westward expansion and was followed by a collapse in the American economy. Economic: this issue references economic hardship and collapse, which would teach the country valuable lessons on economics.
  • Dartmouth College v. Woodward

    Dartmouth College v. Woodward
    Dartmouth college is a private institution, and New Hampshire legislature attempted to make it public, allowing them to have access to their resources and appoint people t run it. Those with authority in Dartmouth college filed suit against William H. Woodward, a man who sided with the publication of the college. The court ruled that the private institution had the right to remain private without government interference. Intellectual: The school remains a private educational institution.
  • Adam-Onis Treaty

    Adam-Onis Treaty
    A treaty between the United States and Spain that gave Florida to the United States, established the Sabine River as the border between the U.S. and New Spain, and renounced the United States' claim to Texas. Political: This treaty further solidified the U.S's expansion by creating a political agreement with New Spain to acquire another state.
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    McCulloch v. Maryland
    A Second Federal Government was established in America, and Maryland approved legislation to tax the federal bank. McCulloch was federal cashier of the Baltimore branch of the U.S. bank and he refused to pay the taxes, in turn being sued for not doing so by the state of Maryland. The court ruled that the state had no power to tax the entirely legal federal bank. Economic: this case rose questions and attacked issues on the power of state + federal government in economics.
  • Alabama Entering the Union

    Alabama Entering the Union
    Alabama became the 22nd state in the United States of America after being finally acquired from British claim. Political: Alabama becoming an official state of the United States both furthered expansion and showed how the U.S's claim to new territory could allow them both size and further economic profit.
  • Election of 1820

    Election of 1820
    Incumbent Democratic-Republican President, James Monroe, won the election without a major opponent. Political: The lack of an opposing candidate demonstrates the dissolve of the Federalist party.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    A decisive vote in the House that admitted Maine as a free state, Missouri as a slave state, and made all western territories north of Missouri's southern border "free soil" (aka outlawed slavery). Social: This vote started the United States on a path towards no slavery, admitting more "free blacks" into the United States. This showed a building social change towards the perceptions of African Americans.
    Fort McHenry National Monument
  • Main Entering the Union

    Main Entering the Union
    Under the Missouri Compromise, Maine was established as the 23rd state, but designated as a free state. This preserved the numerical balance between free vs. slave states. Political: The inclusion of this new state allowed for the thin ice in the political world towards slavery to be maintained by ensuring that the slave vs. free states issue was completely balanced and equal.
  • The Land Act of 1820

    The Land Act of 1820
    Congress did away with the concept of paying in installments for land, in order to decrease land speculation. This dropped the cost of acres of land from $2.00 to $1.25 per acre. Economic/Political/Military: Economic for price decrease, political for avoiding conflict and military for avoiding conflict.
  • Cohens v. Virginia

    Cohens v. Virginia
    A lottery system was organized in the District of Columbia, and the Cohen brothers bought lottery tickets from there and brought them back to sell in Virginia, where lottery was illegal. This raised the question if the Supreme Court could hear a case such as this. Learn more: Political: This case helped to solve a governmental inquiry about what cases could be heard.
  • Missouri Entering the Union

    Missouri Entering the Union
    Missouri agreed to join the Union after compromise with Congress was solidified with Missouri being able to be a slave-state. Political: The United States wanted Missouri as a state that's a part of the Union for further American expansion, but could only do so by making exceptions on rules towards slavery.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    An attempt by President James Monroe to prevent other European powers (outside of those already present) from establishing colonies or any new presence in the Western Hemisphere by stating that the United States would consider such attempts as an act of aggression. Political: The attempt to keep other nations from trying to compete for space on North America showed how the United States intended to use the entirety of the continent for their political gain through expansion over time.
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    Candidate, John Quincy Adams defeated Andrew Jackson by earning more electoral votes through the House of Representatives, despite Jackson originally receiving more popular and electoral votes. Political: The process of John Adams winning through the House of Representatives represents the possibility for action through Congress during elections that is depicted in the Constitution.
  • Russo-American Treaty

    Russo-American Treaty
    A treaty between Russia and the United States that contained six articles outlining the boundaries between the U.S. and Russian Alaska. The treaty gave Russia claims on the Pacific Northwest coast of North America below parallel 54°40′ north, or what Americans called "Oregon Country". Political: The United States enacted a treaty with a foreign power to understand claims of land between them as a way to limit military disputes.
  • The Tariff of 1824

    The Tariff of 1824
    This tariff was put in place to prevent resources coming from the British, in an effort to protect the American industry. Goods like iron and textiles were discouraged to be bought from British. Economic: This tariff was an attempt to prevent the U.S. economy from taking a blow due to the lower prices of British goods that were being imported.
  • Period: to

    Chesapeake and Ohio Canal

    This is a corner stone to the recreational sites of America and is a fundamental part of the trail system. Learn more here: Entertainment/Culture: The canal is a representation of the nature in America and gives the citizens a reason to find America beautiful.