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Map of vietnam

The Vietnam War Timeline

  • Period: to

    Vietnam Timeline

    This timeline shows 20 events that occured at the start and end of the Vietnam war.
  • The United States Supplies military aid to France

    The United States Supplies military aid to France
    The United States supplied France with military aid to combat communist forces. The United States helps France by suppling military aid since France was pulling out of the war.
  • Geneva Conference

    Geneva Conference
    The place where negotiations to end the war was held. The Geneva Congerence was held to help unite North and South Vietnam.
  • American Military advisors in South Vietnam

    American Military advisors in South Vietnam
    More American advidors were sent to South Vietnam becaue Kennedy wanted to appear tough to the communism. He felt he needed to help more since during the Truman administration we lost china to communism.
  • Secret Peace Negotiation between the United States and North Vietnam

    Secret Peace Negotiation between the United States and North Vietnam
    The United States and North vietnam were talking about peace negotiations and settlements for after the war. Finally after almost a decade North Vietnam and South Vietnam sign a cease-fire or peace treaty.
  • Tonkin Reslution

    Tonkin Reslution
    North Vietnamese torpedo boats which included two American destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution allowed the president to "take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the United States forces and to prevent further aggression."
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    Operation Rolling Thunder was a part of the strategy bombing campaign. The U.S. Military aircraft attacked targets throughout North Vietnam from March 1965 through October 1968.
  • Teach-ins on College campuses

    Teach-ins on College campuses
    Teachers and students at the University of Michigan begin discussing the issues surrounding the war, and discussed why they opposed. This inspired teach-ins at many campuses.
  • United States begins bombing North Vietnam

    United States begins bombing North Vietnam
    United States planes bomb targets in North Vietnam, but refrain from bombing Hanoi and the Soviet missile sites that aurround the city. On June 17, two United States Navy jest downed tow communist MGs and destroyed another enemy aircraft three days later, which led to the urging of North Vietnam to get their leaders to end the war. The first American combat troops arrive in Vietnam.
  • Senate Foreign Relations Committee began Vietnam hearings

    Senate Foreign Relations Committee began Vietnam hearings
    The Senate foreign Relations Committee began "educational" hearings to explain the administrations war program. They also helped to listen to critics.
  • March on the Pentagon

    March on the Pentagon
    100,000 people rally at the Lincoln Memorial peacefully. After the rally they began the march on to the Pentagon, while supporting Viet Cong. They were stopped by U.S. Marshals guarding the Pentagon.
  • First Heart Transplant Preformed

    First Heart Transplant Preformed
    Chris Barnard preforms the first heart transplant in the world on December 3 1967. Louis Washkansky only lived for 18 days after the heart surgery.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    fighters attack virtually all american airbases in South Vietnam, along with major cities and provincial capitals. It took place during the Vietnamese New Year where Vietcong and North Vietnamese did a massive suprise attack.
  • Viernamization

    Ending American involvement in the Vietnam war by transferring all military responsibilities to South vietnam. Nixon thought it would help build up the South Vietnamese military.
  • Kent State University

    Kent State University
    Ohio National Guard was sent to fire upon demonstrators without an order to do so. Four students were killed while nine others were injuired.
  • 26th Amendment

    26th Amendment
    Congress passed the 26th amendment in March of 1971. It allowed the voting age to be 18 years old. "Old enough to Fight, Old enough to Vote."
  • Nixon initiates Christmas bombing

    Nixon initiates Christmas bombing
    Nixon orders destructive air raids of the entire war. American B-52s dropped thousands of tons of bombs on North Vietnam targets for 12 straight days. Only pausing on christmas day.
  • War Power Act

    War Power Act
    Limits on ececutive power. The War Powers act required the president to inform Congress when he sent troops within 48 hours so congress could keep or remove them.
  • Cease-Fire signed with North Vietnam

    Cease-Fire signed with North Vietnam
    North Vietnam signed a cease-fire as a prelude to the Paris Peace Accord. Both North and South vietnam violated this treaty.
  • South Vietnam Surrenders

    South Vietnam Surrenders Vietnamese and Viet Cong Forces captured the South Vietnamese capital of Saigon. South Vietnamese forces collapsed under the rapid advancement of the North Vietnamese.
  • United States Withdrawal of troops

    United States Withdrawal of troops
    Nixon began to cut back the number of American troops in Vietnam. Also known as Vietnamizations. On June 8, 1969 over 25,000 soldiers were removed from Vietnam.