Forest Gump Timeline Project

  • Elvis Presley Death

    Elvis Presley Death
    Elvis Presley died from a heart disease. When he spent time with Forrest he copied his dance and later Forrest says he died from a heart disease.
  • Marilyn Monroe actress

    Marilyn Monroe actress
    Marilyn is an actress who was very famous in the acting industry. She was one of the most significant sex symbols in 1950, this helped promote women's and etc.
  • Desegregation in schools

    Desegregation in schools
    African Americans wanted to receive the same education and go to the same schools as whites. Brown v. Board desegregated schools.
  • The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War
    Citizens were drafted in Vietnam, to fight against communism, alongside veterans. This created many men to die and anti protests to occur.
  • Aids Epidemic

    Aids Epidemic
    From constant sharing of needles and unprotected sex, aids was spreading tremendously. Jenny was constantly using needles and doing drugs and having sex, which caused her to have aids, and possibly spread it.
  • The Assasination of JFK

    The Assasination of JFK
    In the town of Houston, Texas John F Kennedy was shot. Along with his brother Robert Kennedy were shot. JFK was shot during a ride in a motorcade. Forrest Gump mentions this in the movie by saying for some reason JFK and his brother were shot.
  • Black Panther Party Founded

    Black Panther Party Founded
    Black Panther Party was founded to defend African Americans and to use anything necessary to protect them. Especially during the drafting, argued that they shouldn't be serving for a country that hate them.
  • Anti-War Protests

    Anti-War Protests
    People gathered in DC to talk about the government sending citizens to a pointless war. They have Forrest talk about his time in vietnam.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    Richard Nixon recorded conversations, and the FBI and CIA investigated. Forrest saw the lights of the people investigating and complained about the lights.
  • President Fords avoiding his assasination

    President Fords avoiding his assasination
    Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme attempted to assassinate Gerald Ford, but failed. It was broadcast on tv while Gump and Lt. Dan were boarding the ship.
  • The Assasination of John Lennon

    The Assasination of John Lennon
    During the interview along with Forrest Gump, John Lennon asks about the land of china. Later Forrest Gump says he died. John Lennon was assassinated
  • Reagon's Assasination Attempt

    Reagon's Assasination Attempt
    John Hinckley Jr. shot Reagon in the chest. It was broadcast on tv when forrest received a letter from Jenny