Vietnam war

The Vietnam War

By lchowe
  • Presdient Eisenhower

    Presdient Eisenhower
    Eisenhower decides to not send U.S. ground troops in to rescue the French. Citing the likelihood of high casualty rates in the jungles around Dien Bien Phu. This is important because the Presdient decided to not send in troops to help our Allies in Vietnam. Allies are supposed to help one another but when Eisenhower goes against this, it questions the U.S. and French relationship.
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

  • U.S. Military Aid

    U.S. Military Aid
    The first direct shipment of U.S. military aid to Saigon arrives. The U.S. also offers to train the fledgling South Vietnam Army. After Eisenhower not helping the French, U.S. Miliary aid is now going into effect to help our allies.
  • 35th President Elected

    35th President Elected
    John Fitzgerald Kennedy is inaugurated as the 35th U.S. President. The 3rd President to be apart of the Vietnam War shows the long process of the war that the United States has been apart of for a long time.
  • Kennedy sends "Special Adivsors"

    Kennedy sends "Special Adivsors"
    President Kennedy sends 400 American Green Beret 'Special Advisors' to South Vietnam to train South Vietnamese soldiers in methods of 'counter-insurgency' in the fight against Viet Cong guerrillas. With the U.S. sending help to train soldiers sends a message of committment into the war. The U.S. is now involved.
  • Foreign Assistance Act of 1962

    Foreign Assistance Act of 1962
    President Kennedy signs the Foreign Assistance Act of 1962 which provides "...military assistance to countries which are on the rim of the Communist world and under direct attack." This is important due to the fact that America will now be involved with countries who may be involved with direct attacck and communism in the future.
  • Buddhists riot

     Buddhists riot
    Buddhists riot in South Vietnam after they are denied the right to display religious flags during their celebration of Buddha's birthday. In Hue, South Vietnamese police and army troops shoot at Buddhist demonstrators, resulting in the deaths of one woman and eight children. This dispplays that innoncent people died during the Vietnam war without directly being involved. The showing of relgiion should never have been a problem to get people killed during the time of the war.
  • Kennedy is assassinated

    Kennedy is assassinated
    President John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas. Lyndon B. Johnson is sworn in as the 36th U.S. President. He is the fourth President coping with Vietnam and will oversee massive escalation of the war while utilizing many of the same policy advisors who served Kennedy. With the war going on in Vietnam, there was clearly troubles in the U.S. that lead to the assassination of our very own President.
  • Johnson's Bombing Decision

    Johnson's Bombing Decision
    Opinion polls indicate 85 percent of Americans support President Johnson's bombing decision. Numerous newspaper editorials also come out in support of the President. Is important to note that bombing in the war was crucial but benefical to the U.S. out in Vietnam. Big decisions were made and a majority of them were always supported.
  • Rolling Thunder

    Rolling Thunder
    Operation Rolling Thunder begins as over 100 American fighter-bombers attack targets in North Vietnam. Scheduled to last eight weeks, Rolling Thunder will instead go on for three years. The war come to an extreme with the use of air raids to hit North Vietnam. Many casualties will occur and many people will die. The war has takenn a turn point of the worst.
  • Napalm

    President Johnson authorizes the use of Napalm, a petroleum based anti-personnel bomb that showers hundreds of explosive pellets upon impact. The war has come to an extent that full artillery must be used even if they are a bit extreme.
  • 1.7 billion

    1.7 billion
    President Johnson asks Congress for an additional $1.7 billion for the war. With the President asking for more money from Congres, it is important to note that the war was expensive and was taking money from American people from taxes. The war must have took a toll on the U.S. economy status.
  • 4.5 billion

    4.5 billion
    Congress authorizes $4.5 billion for the war WIth the congress giving 4.5 billion for the war, it shows that the money put into the war, the more power you could have with artillery. It is ccrazy knowing America had so much money to give away for a long on-going war.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    President Johnson labels the Tet Offensive "a complete failure." With many American soldiers killed and wounded along with South Vietnamese casualties, the plan was ineffective. Many people were killed due to a plan that supposed to work.
  • MLK

    Civil rights leader Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King is assassinated in Memphis. Racial unrest then erupts in over 100 American cities. With another assissination happening in the U.S. the Vietnam has had many affects on americans. Leaders are being killed and with these come with riots
  • Robert F. Kennedy

    Robert F. Kennedy
    Robert F. Kennedy is shot and mortally wounded in Los Angeles just after winning the California Democratic presidential primary election. While trying to run for President, Robert is shot by an American citizen. U.S. residents have gotten out of control due to the Vietnam War.
  • 5th President is inaugurated

    5th President is  inaugurated
    Richard M. Nixon is inaugurated as the 37th U.S. President. He is the fifth President coping with Vietnam. It is important to show that many Presidents have been coping with this long war and are trying their best to end it as soon as possible before more soldiers are killed in the process.
  • Anti-War students

    Anti-War students
    300 anti-war students at Harvard University seize the administration building, throw out eight deans, then lock themselves in. It is important to show that even studnets in college are fed up with this war and are trying to make a statement that includes many students.
  • Troop Withdrawal

    Troop Withdrawal
    The very first U.S. troop withdrawal occurs as 800 men from the 9th Infantry Division are sent home. Troops are coming home. The war is nearly over.
  • Kent State University

    Kent State University
    At Kent State University in Ohio, National Guardsmen shoot and kill four student protesters and wound nine Although troops are being taken out of the war, there are still killings happening in the U.S. on college campuses. When voices are trying to be heard, students are either killed or wounded because of their opinions.
  • The war is over

    The war is over
    At 8:35 a.m., the last ten Marine Americans depart Saigon, concluding the United States presence in Vietnam. The War is over. After many years of fighting in Vietnam, the war is finally over. It is important becasue after a war ends, there will no more lives lost or in jeopardy in combat.