
The Vietnam War

  • Vietnamese forces occupy the French command

    Vietnamese forces occupy the French command
    French commander orders his troops to cease fire. The battle lasted 55 days. Three thousand French troops were killed, 8,000 wounded. The Viet Minh suffered much worse, with 8,000 dead and 12,000 wounded
  • military aid

    military aid
    The first direct shipment of US military aid to Saigon arrive. The US also offers to train the fledgling South Vietnam Army.
  • Presindent John F Kennedy took office

    Presindent John F Kennedy took office
    When President John F Kennedy vowed not to allow Soth Vietnam fall into communism
  • Diem was killed

    Diem was killed
    With US knowledge, Diem was killed by South Vietnamese generals on
  • Kennedy Killed

    Kennedy Killed
    Kennedy was assassinatd in Dallas
  • Draft

    54,000 young man were called for the draft. By December of this year, more than 45,00 young man were called
  • March for peace

    The march on Washington DC for Peace in Vietnam took place, attracting tens of thousands of protesters
  • Johnson Not running for reelection

    Johnson Not running for reelection
    Johnson announced that he would not be running for re-elecetion
  • Attack into Cambodia

    Attack into Cambodia
    South Vietnamese troops attack into Cambodia, pushing toward Vietcong bases.Operations in Cambodia last for 60 days, and uncovered vast North ietnamese jungle supply depots. Captured 28,500 weapons as well as over 16 million rounds of small arms ammunition, and 14 million pounds of rice
  • New bombing campain starts

    New bombing campain starts
    By orders of the presidetn, a new bombing campaign starts against the North Vietnamese.Operation Linebacker Two lasts for 12 days, including a 3 day bombing period
  • Peace talks in Paris Resume

    Peace talks in Paris Resume
    North Vietnam and the United States resume peace talks in Paris
  • Was is officially over for the United States

    Was is officially over for the United States
    The last combat souldiers leave South Vietnam, though millitary advisors nad Marines, who are protecting US installations, remain. For the United States the war is officially over. Of over 3 million Americans who have served in the war, almost 58,000 are dead, and over 1,000 are missing in action. Arround 150,000 Americans were seriousy wounded.
  • Nixon resigns

    Nixon resigns
    President Richard Nixon resigns, leaving South Vietnam without its strongest advocate
  • Massive airlift

    Massive airlift
    US Marines and Airforce helicopters, flying from carriers off shore. begin massive airlift. In 18 hours over 1,000 American vivilians and almost 7,000 South Vietnamese refugees are flown out of Saigon