The Vietnam War: 1954-1980

  • Vietnamese defeat the French

    Vietnamese defeat the French
    The Vietnamese are able to take control of the French command post at Dien Bien Phu there were over 11,000 French soldiers either killed or wounded and over 20,000 Viet Minh soldiers wounded.
    * This image shows the celebrations after the vietnam defeated France*
  • American Helicopters arrive in Vietnam

    American Helicopters arrive in Vietnam
    President John F. Kennedy orders to help the South Vietnam, it will offer new equipment ,military personnel and advisors. Over 400 US military personnel arrive to help fly and maintain the aircrafts.
  • America's first combat strike against the Vietcong

    America's first combat strike against the Vietcong
    American pilots assist in helping South Vietnam in a mission against Saigon this is the first time the US will participate in any sort of combat against he Vietcong.
  • Vietcong victory at Ap Bac

    Vietcong victory at Ap Bac
    Vietcong forces ambush the south Vietnamese at their army's 7th division this leads to almost 400 wounded or killed south vietnamese soldiers and 3 American advisors are killed
  • South Vitnamese attsck

    South Vitnamese attsck
    The South Vitnamese soldiers attack two small islands in the Gulf of Tolkin, a US Maddox a spy ship is told to create an airstrike to draw the North Vitnamese away.
  • Attack on the US Maddox?

    Attack on the US Maddox?
    The captain of the US Maddox states that he has been attacked and that a greater attack is next. President Johnson then states a retalation must be made against North Vietnam. The captain then goes on to say the Maddox was never fired on.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution is signed

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution is signed
    The US Congress passes the Gulf of Tonkin resolution stating that he may do whatever is necessary to protect southeast Asia.
  • Bien Hoa Airbase attack

    Bien Hoa Airbase attack
    The Bien Hoa airbase is attacked by the Vietcong it leads to 4 Americans being killed and 76 wounded as well as 20 damaged or destroyed fighter planes.
    Image shows Bien Hoa after the attack
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    President Johnson authorizes Operation Rolling Thunder which is a type of long lasting bombing plan hoping it will cause North Vietnam to no longer support the Vietcong.
  • Operation Crimp

     Operation Crimp
    US sends its largest amount of troops at 8,000 troops to the war. The goal was to try and capture the Vietcong headquarters.
  • So far in the war

    So far in the war
    At this point in the war there have been over 385,000 soldiers sent over to fight the wae and a total of 6,000 American killed and 30,000 wounded. Whereas the Vietcong have around 61,000 killed and around 280,000 soldiers
  • Operation Cedar Falls

    Operation Cedar Falls
    This operation begins and the mission was to try and lead the Vietcong away from the Iron Triangle after 19 days little resistance took place but there were massive amount of casualites on the Vietcong side at 720. This is important because by the end of this operation the US and the South could not find the base.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder comes to an end

    Operation Rolling Thunder comes to an end
    After 3 and a half years operation rolling thunder comes to an end. It led to the use of around 800 American fighter pilots and many deaths on both sides as well as killing many North Vitnamese civilians. This is important because this was a long operation that did not have really any success and had many deaths.
  • President Nixon takes office

    President Nixon takes office
    President Nixon takes off and promises that he would work to end the war with honor and bring home the dozens of troops in Vietnam. This is important because at this time most American citizens wanted this war to end.
  • End of the War

    End of the War
    This is the start to the end of the war but it would not end without casualty prior to the last marines being flown off an attack is done which will eventually lead to North Vietnam pulling out and ending the war. This is important becuae the war had lasted around 15 years and had many causalties.