The Vietnam War 17.3

  • Vienamization

    After Nixon was elected he began a process called Vietnmization, he shifted war responsibility from the U.S. to the South Vietnamese.
  • Nixon reduces soldiers

    Nixon withdrew 25,000 soldiers but increased air strikes against North Vietnam secretly.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (December)

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (December)
    Congress repealed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Took away the right to do what they want for the war.
  • Kent State University

    Kent State University
    Students were protesting against America's invasion of Cambodia. Ohio National Guard tear-gassed and fired rifles into the crowd killing four students. Congress was angry and began to work on ways to end the president's control over the war.
  • Air raides (December 1972)

    For North Vietnam to get back on the negotiation trail, the Nixon administration began air raids. Also known as the "Christmas bombing", they tossed thousands of bombs on North Vietnam for 11 days. The negotiations resumed.
  • The agreement

    The warring sides came to an agreement called, "ending the war and restoring the peace in Vietnam". The U.S. promised to remove their troops, in exchange for prisoners of war.
  • Domino Effect (January 1975)

    Cambodia fell under communism run by the group Khmer Rouge.
  • President Ford

    President Ford
    President Ford declared that the U.S. should "focus on their future". Vietnam had a profound effect on America.
  • North Vietnamese

    North Vietnamese captured Saigon the capital of South Vietnam. They renamed it Ho Chi Minh City. Laos destabilized their neutrality and communism took over.
  • Dedication

    The nation dedicated the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington DC. They inscribed it with the names of people who died and went missing in the war.