The veldt

The Veldt

  • Exposition

    George, the father, thinks the children's nursery is great and amazing, but Lydia, the mother, is worried about how much time the kids spend in the very realistic virtual Africa that they created.
  • Risng Action

    Risng Action
    George was never really worried about the nursery or the smaert house that they live in, but now hes getting nervous about what to do with himself. The children have seemed to replace George and Lydia witht he nursery.
  • Climax

    George has to make the big decision to shut off the nursery and house, all the machines that tie their shoes, brush their teeth, and beds that rock them to sleep.
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    Once George shuts off the nursery, the children are hysteric. They throw tantums and plead for their father to turn it on for just a few minutes. After awhile, George obliges and turns on the nursery while he goes and gets dressed. Minutes later the children call George and Lydia back down to the nursery.
  • Resolution

    The children lock their parents in the veldt, and let the lions attack them. When the parent's friend stops by, he sees the children sitting in the veldt having a picnic, while lions finish devouring their parents in the distance.