The US Involvement in WWI

  • Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson
    Woodrow Wilson played a very important part in WWI. He was the 28th president of the United Stated. His big campaign slogan for his second term was "I kept us out of war!" He did for a while. Once everything started happening overseas, we needed to jump in and help. He made the Germans agree not to attack ships that were passing through again. He was at the Paris Peace Conference along with Lloyd George (UK), Vitono Orlando (Italy), and Georges Clemenceu (France).
  • War Zone

    War Zone
    In November of 1914 British are furious about the attack on their boat the Lusitania. They declare the N. Sea a "War zone". They block the central powers. People in Germany are only allowed 1,000 calories so that there is enough to go around. 400,000 civilians die from malnutrition.
  • The Luistania

    The Luistania
    The Lusitania was a British ocean liner that was sailing from Liverpool to New York City. On the way there is was noticed by a German U-boat. The U-boat shot a torpedo at the ship sinking it. There was 2,198 people all together on the boat. 1,959 passengers were killed. Out of all of these 128 Americans were killed. The Germany U-boat thought they were justified because they believed that the ship had heavy ammunition on board. The ship only had light ammunition on board.
  • America's Standpoint on the War.

    America's Standpoint on the War.
    Americans did not want to become a part in the bloodiest war this world has ever seen. They did not want to loose any more of their people in a war that they did not even have to join. Not only does war kill many people, it costs a lot of money. By the time the war was over, the allies spent 147 billion dollars on the war. William Jennings Bryan, the secretary of Woodrow Wilson said that he wanted the war to end but not step in.
  • The Zimmerman Telegram

    The Zimmerman Telegram
    The Zimmerman telegram was a big contributing factor to the US joining the war. Was sent by the Germany Foreign Offices, in code. They attempted to convince Mexico to join their side. The message was intercepted by British intelligence. They immediately informed America. As you may think, America was livid, they did not want a reason to join the war. This was known as one of the biggest reasons that the Allies won.
  • Period: to

    US Joins and Ends WWI

    America entered the war after it had already started, we joined because we had a ship heading through Germany. Unfortunately, Germany shot a torpedo at a ship called the Lusitania in May 1915. The ship blew up and killed almost all 1959 passengers and crew on board. 128 Americans were killed in the explosion. Germany believed that we had a lot of ammunition and were trying to send it to the allies. The bloodiest moment in history ended with the treaty of Versailles.
  • A Busy Year

    A Busy Year
    Many things happened in the year of 1918. This was the beginning of the spring offensive. In August the hundred day offensive began. In September Bulgaria drops out, or an armistice. In October there was naval mutiny against the Germans. In November Armistice with Austria, Germany Republic. On November 11 the fighting was over.
  • The Statistics

    The Statistics
    During the war there were unfortunately 16 million deaths all over the world 8 to 10 million military were killed. 6 to 7 million civilians were killed by either the military, famine, disease, or genocide. 60% of the Serbian army was killed. The entire war cost 327 billion dollars worldwide.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    it was signed exactly 5 years after Archduke Franz Ferdinand was killed. It made Germany accept the responsibility of causing a great war. Germany had to pay 400 billion dollars. They had to lose territory. They had no union with Austria. they lost colonies and had reparations.
  • Paris Peace Conference

    Paris Peace Conference
    It was organized by Lloyd George (UK), Vitono Orlando (Italy), Georges Clemenceau (France), and Woodrow Wilson (US). there were 5 peace treaties that were discussed during this very dire time. The world was struggling and these strong leaders took action.