The US

  • Obama Dies

    Obama Dies
    Barack Obama dies by being shot just like MLK.
  • Donald Trump

    Donald Trump
    Donald Trump is appointed as the new president of the United States.
  • Nuke sent to Iraq

    Donald Trump sends a nuke to Iraq, obliterating the whole country. Kills millions.
  • Nuke sent to China

    Nuke sent to China
    China receives 5 nukes, killing the whole population and the country is now under water.
  • Russia sends nuke to the US.

    Russia has sent a nuke to the United States, in a panic Donald Trump does something rash.
  • Donald Trump launches another Nuke

    Donald Trump launches another Nuke
    The United State's Nuke hits Russia's Nuke over England, the impact of two nukes ruins England.
  • Mexico and Unicorns

    Mexico and Unicorns
    Mexico retaliates against the US, sending their secret weapon. Unicorns. Unicorns attack the White House with their laser eyes.
  • Donald Trump and Dragons

    Donald Trump and Dragons
    Dragons are sent from an underground layer
  • Jesus

    Jesus comes from the clouds to reign peace but the dragons eat him.
  • World End

    All of the humans die due to dragon and unicorn massacre, Donald Trump moves to Mars and lives out the rest of his days.