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The Ups and Downs of Adam's Life

  • Boyhood

    His dad was a officer of a militia and his mother Susanne Boylston was very religious. The whole family moved from England in 1640.
  • John Adam's born

    John Adam's born
    John Adams was born in Braintree, Massachusetts.
  • Growing Up

    Growing Up
    Adams grew up on a farm and he usually did house hold chores. He went to school and he went to college.
  • Early Life

    Early Life
    John Adams went to Harvard University to study to become a lawyer and he taught school during the day,
  • Marriage

    John Adams got married to Abigal Smith. She was intelligent and very kind- hearted. Also, they had a son who is John Quincy Adams.
  • Joining the "Sodalitas"

    Joining the "Sodalitas"
    He decided to join the Sodalitas group and they discussed about the Stamp Act. They also wanted to have no tax on stamps
  • The Stamp Act in Effect

    The Stamp Act in Effect
    John Adams decided to protest in Braintree against the Stamp Act. He thought that the stamp tax is very unnecessary. They all decided to not have a stamp tax at all.
  • The Stamp Act Repealed

    The Stamp Act Repealed
    The Parliment wanted to repeal the stamp act and they did want to put tax for stamps. In fact, they found it necessary.
  • Governor's Council

    Governor's   Council
    John Adams was elected to be part of the governor's council. He was very patriotic because he rejoiced the people who dumped the tea from the Boston Tea Party.
  • The Continental Congress

    The Continental Congress
    Adams served in the continental congress in 1775. He argued for peace between Britain and the U,S.
  • The Revolutionary War

    The Revolutionary War
    The fighting broke out because they wanted peace between U.S and Britain. This is what started the Revolutionary War.
  • Board and Ordnance

    Board and Ordnance
    Adams decided to equip the army and make sure that they are safe.
  • Drafting the Declaration Of Independence

    Drafting the Declaration Of Independence
    John Adams helped Thomas Jefferson write the Declaration Of Independence. It was adopted on July 4th 1776.
  • Raised Prices

    Raised Prices
    The Prices in Kingston have been extravagant and they have raised immensely. It was very expensive back then.
  • The Diplomatic Service

    The Diplomatic Service
    He was sent to replace Silas Deane. His goal was to create a truce between France and the U.S
  • The Big Battle

    The Big Battle
    This was a big battle for John Adams and it was very harsh. He was very thirsty.
  • The Treaty of Paris.

    The Treaty of Paris.
    John Adams returned to Paris at 1783 to have peace discussions with Benjamin Frankin and John Jay. They finally had the Treaty of Paris which ended war on September 3rd 1783.
  • U.S Minister

    U.S Minister
    He was a minister of he U.S. He tried making British their friends. But, he didn't succeed
  • The XYZ Affair

    The XYZ Affair
    The XYZ affair was when they went to France and these agents known as X,.Y and Z asked for a bribe of $240,000. It lead to an undeclared war between France and the U.S.
  • John Adams Writing

    John Adams Writing
    John Adams wrote a novel and wrote books with his son, John Quincy Adams and he wrote the Book: A Defense of the Constution of Government of the United States.
  • Vice President

    Vice President
    George Washington elected John Adams for him to be vice president. Both people were re-elected in 1792.
  • President John Adams

    President John Adams
    This was the day that John Adams became president after Goerge Washington retired.
  • Proposal when President

    Proposal when President
    When he was president, he proposed the idea of having a navy department. Also, he wanted to ask for funds to put on the military war footing.
  • The Alien and Sedition Act

    The Alien and Sedition Act
    This was an act when France was a threat of war that caused Americans to be suspicious of immigrants and aliens. They wondered if the immigrants would be loyal if they had war with France. So, the federalists made strict laws that can protect the nation's security. The alien acts was when they allowed the president to imprison the immigrants that was suspected of doing something wrong.
  • Adams' Decision

    Adams' Decision
    Federalists were now fighting against each other. They also had a chance of winning.
  • The Treaty Of France

    The Treaty Of France
    John Adams made a treaty with France which had both of them declare a truce. Adam successfully prevented the U.S having a war between France. Also, it maintained neutrality.
  • John Adams Resignation

    John Adams Resignation
    John Adams resigned because of the election, he was very weak and he also wanted to have a private life for his son, Quincy Adams.
  • Death

    John Adams died on this day. It was unfortunate for the people and every citizen in the U.S
  • 50th Anniversary of The Declaration Of Independence

    50th Anniversary of The Declaration Of Independence
    This was the day that Adams died and it was the anniversary of The Declaration Of Independence.
  • John Adams Son

    John Adams Son
    John Quincy Adams started in 1835 ruling as a President. He was very proud of himself.