The United States: 2 party system

  • The Federalist Party

    The Federalist Party
    This party was created by Alexander Hamilton. This party was for "the rich and the well-born." These people supported the Constitution and were in favor of a strong federal government. They wanted to to help the financial, manufacturing, and commercial aspects of the country.
  • The Federalist Party

    The Federalist Party
    This party was created by Alexander Hamilton. They were considered to be "the rich and the well-born." They favored a strong federal government that would help the economy in areas like manufacturing and commercial. This group also supported the Constitution.
  • The Anti-Federalist Party

    The Anti-Federalist Party
    This party was created by Thomas Jefferson. This group was in favor of the "common man." They believed in limited power to the new government. They wanted to help farmers, laborers, and other small areas. This group did not really support the Constitution.
  • Democratic-Republicans

    Thomas Jefferson and James Madison worked together to create this party. This party did not want the government to obtain more power to fulfill its duties, making it even more powerful. They wanted to limit this power. They also wanted to scale back programs that the federalist set in place to make the economy more fair to all people.
  • Jacksonian Democrats

    Jacksonian Democrats
    This party was made up of small farmers, debtors, frontier pioneers, and slaveholders. They had a lot of support within the South and West. They had 3 fundamental changes in politics at the time: voting rights to all white males, an increase in the number of elected offices around the country, and the spread of the spoils system. The restructured some federal institutions.
  • The Party of Lincoln

    The Party of Lincoln
    This group consisted of Whigs and antislavery democrats. This party was in favor of classical liberalism, the opposition of the expansion of slavery, and economic reform. They often were associated with civil rights and standing up for them.