The Unification of Italy

  • Period: to

    Giuseppe Garibaldi's lifetime

  • Period: to

    Fewer Italians agreed to live under foreign rulers

  • Young Italy

    Young Italy
    Led by Giuseppe Mazzini who set up a national revolutionary movement.
  • Period: to

    Massive reforms

    Massive reforms within Papal STates, Lucca, Tuscany, and Kingdom of Sardinia. These were intended to weaken revolutionary movements. However, it just brought in more revolutions from surrounding countries.
  • Italian Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia adopts a liberal constitution

    A good idea to middle class, but not peasants.
  • Revolutions of 1848 in Italy

    First revolt was in Kingdom of Sicily.
  • Period: to

    Final stages of Unification in Italy

    Count Camillo di Cavour becomes prime minister of Sardinia-Piedmont in 1852.
  • French emperor Napoleon III Agrees to help drive Austria out of Italy

  • Cavour causes crisis that scares Austrians

    Austrians demand Piedmontese disarmament.
  • Period: to

    Elections held

  • Italian army captures Sicily

    Small Italian army captures Sicily, led by Giuseppe Garibaldi.
  • Venetia added to Italy

    Venetia added to Italy after Prussia defeated Austria in the Seven Weeks' War
  • Austrian province of Venetia becomes part of Italy.