The Unification of Germany Brandy Pierce and Gabby Domiguez

  • Steps Toward Unity

    Steps Toward Unity
    Napoleon started making changes between 1806 and 1812 by annexing lands for France. Many believed Napoleon was a hero, but some disagreed and and stayed independent. They decided to form the German confederation instead of destroying the government of the city- states. Napoleon dissolved the roman empire, made trade eaiser, and abolished laws.
  • The German Confederation

    The German Confederation
    The German Confederation was created by the Congress of Vienna in 1815. It was created to coordinate the economies of separate German-speaking countries. There were 39 sovereign states in Germany.
  • Carlsbad Decrees

    Carlsbad Decrees
    Klemens von Metternich, wanted representatives from larger states of the German Confederation to issue the Carlsbad Decrees. The Carlsbad Decrees established restrictions on the German press. They created a commission of inquiry to get rid of revolutionary activity in the confederation's member states. The Carlsbad Decrees was resolutions issues by a conference of ministers from the major German states.
  • Bismarck's Rise to Power

    Bismarck's Rise to Power
    Otto Von Bismark served Prussia as a diplomat. William I made him a prime minister, and later on he became chancellor, which is the highest offical of a monarch. He then unified the German city- states. He unified the states under Prussian rule with his policy "blood and iron." His main success came from his deermination and mastery of a Realpolitik, or politics/principles based on ideological considerations for the state.
  • "Blood and Iron" Speech

    "Blood and Iron" Speech
    "Blood and Iron" was Bismark's speech that was set up as his new policy. His main objcive was o build a srong unified state. Doing so, Bismark's plan was to unify German and have prussia as the main lead. Prussia would have control on what was said and done.
  • Prussia Declares War

    Prussia Declares War
    Bismarck formed an alliance in 1864 with Austria. They came together and gained control of the provinces Schleswig and Holstein. Prussia then took control of the Northern German states.
  • Alliance with Austria

    Alliance with Austria
    Bismark attempted to form an alliance with Austria. Prussia and Austria gathered as one take Schlewig and Holstein's supplies from Denmark. When all was finished, the end result came to be that Prussia and Austria split both their provinces. Austria was to administer Holstein while Prussia administered Schlewig.
  • Austro-Prussian War

    Austro-Prussian War
    Bismark decided to attack Austria, also known as the Austro-Prussian war. Prussia became the victors. Wih vicory at hand, Prussia took control of several other German states.
  • Franco-Prussian War

    Franco-Prussian War
    Prussian victory angered Francis main Leader, Napoleon III. Napoleon III was known to prosu wars. Bismark was hoping he would do so. Finally, Napoleon III declares war, also known as he Franco-Prussian War. In the end Prussia crushed the poorly supplied and badly organized French army. Napoleon III hen calls surrender and accepts the embarising peac wih Prussia.
  • Formation of the German Empire

    Formation of the German Empire
    The German states and confederation announced William I as emperor. The constitution created the upper and lower house of legislature.