The Unification of Germany and Italy

By twinhrd
  • Speech to the Frankfurt Assembly

    This speech is saying how both Prussia and Austria have their flaws and strengths. It also states how Germany decided that Prussia was going to be their power.
  • Proclamation of 1849

    This proclamation was made by Friedrich Wilhelm IV, King of Prussia, when he was offered the crown of Germany, by the National Assembly. He declined it because it went against the rights of the german states and he didn't believe that they had the right to do that.
  • Letter to Minister von Manteuffel

    Otto Von Bismarck wrote this letter to the minister to tell him that war between Prussia and Austria couldn't be avoided, that it would happen in the distant future. They can either loose Austria permanently or gain it.
  • Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke

    The war of 1866 was not sudden, for they knew it was going to happen and they had been prepared for it. This war was for the establishment of power. Austria was forced to give up all dominance in Germany. This was when Germany came forth and took power, Germany had won the power from Prussia.
  • Otto von Bismarck

    Bismarck new that they couldn't hurt Austria to much, because then they wouldn't stand a chance of being friends again. Also, they didn't want them to become an ally of France, their enemy. Austria and parts of Bohemia wouldn't strengthen Prussia, and it wouldn't wouldn't unite German Austria with Prussia.
  • The Imperial Proclamation

    This Proclamation was made by Wilhelm I and he has come to accept the imperial German title. He was called forth by the German princes and cities. He hopes for peace for his people against the French.