Timeline title

The Unification of Germany

  • Confederation of Germany

    Confederation of Germany
    secondary sourceThe Congress of Vienna created the German Confederation. This is a positive thing because the start of The German Confederation helped Germany unify.
  • The Zollverein

    The Zollverein
    Secondary sourceAll the states of Germany had tariffs which taxed all the trade and kept them from building relationships with other countries. In 1834 Prussia abolished their tariffs and all the other states followed and this custom was called the Zollverein. This was a positive effect on the Unification of Germany because it helped them build relationships with one another.
  • Otto Von Bismarck

    Otto Von Bismarck
    primary sourceKing William makes Otto Von Bismarck prime minister of Prussia. I think this is both negative and positive. Bismarck improves the economy, which is positive, and he also starts several wars, which is negative.
  • Danish War

    Danish War
    visual sourceSome say it was first step to German Unification. Prussians and Austrians invaded Denmark, and the Danes were defeated by August.
  • Parliament supports Bismarck

    Parliament supports Bismarck
    visual sourceBismarck gets Parliaments support. This is a very positive thing becuase to have a unified country you first need an unified government.
  • 7 weeks war

    7 weeks war
    secondary sourcePrussia casued Austria to declare war on them. Austria gave up after just 7 weeks of war. That is why its called the 7 weeks war. This is positive becasue it later helps to allie Prussia and Austria.
  • Franco-Prussian war

    Franco-Prussian war
    primary sourceprimary sourceFrance quickly lost and lost their land and had to pay alot of money to Germany. This is a negative thing for France, but its very positive for Germany.
  • Effects of the German Empire

    Effects of the German Empire
    primary sourceThe formation of the German Empire leads to the writing of a new constitution and a two house legislature. This is positive because its the base for modern day Germany.
  • German Empire

    secondary sourceHeld a meeting at the Hall of Versailles and formed the German Empire which included all states except Austria.
  • Empire is born

    Empire is born
    visual sourceThe German Empire is born and William 1 becomes Kaiser and the 2 house legislature is formed. This is positive becasue it is a base for modern Germany.