The Unification of Germany

  • Period: to


  • Napoleon I Crushes Prussian Forces

    Secondary Source: Napoleon I Defeats PrussiaNapoleon installed, and spread the ideas of nationalism onto the (future)German people.
  • Congress of Vienna creates German Conferation, consisting of 39 states

    Congress of Vienna creates German Conferation, consisting of 39 states
    Primary Source: Congress of ViennaCongress of Viena creates German Confederation, consisting of 39 states. It tried to correct Napoleon's earlier actions and influences, which in turn, tried to be rid of nationalism.
  • Zollverein is founded

    Zollverein is founded
    Secondary Source: ZollvereinZollverein increased interdependance between its German member states, initiating commercial unification.
  • Frankfurt National Assembly adopts constitution

    Frankfurt National Assembly adopts constitution
    Frankfurt National Assembly (Frankfurter Nationalversammlung) adopts constitution, attempting to unify Germany under a hereditary monarchy with limited powers, therefore showing the positive impact of German nationalism.
  • Bismarck Made Prime Minister of Prussia

    Primary Source: Bismark Made Prime MinisterBismark, the new prime minister, brought power to the nation.
  • Danish War

    Secondary Source: Danish WarIncrease of nationalism, as well as a strengthened German influence over the city of Holstein.
  • Seven Weeks' War

    Visual Source: Political CartoonIncreased nationalism, for it implied Prussian dominance, and encouraged other nations to side with them.
  • Franco-Prussian War increases Nationalism

    Franco-Prussian War increases Nationalism
    Visual Source BismarckBismarck uses war against France to commence unification of southern German states, by boosting the nationalism there, to the new German Confederation.
  • Bismark Edits Ems Dispatch to provoke war and nationalism

    Primary Source: Ems DispatchLink leads to the Ems Dispatch, edited by Bismarck.
  • German Empire created

    Viaual Source: German Empire FlagGerman Empire formed, including ALL German states, except Austira. Unification has increased.