The Unification of Germany

  • The Fall of Napoleon

    Secondary SourceNapoleon, the leader of France continued to pull new lands into his empire. To later help Germany's unification, Napoleon had annexed lands along the Rhine river, dissolved the Holy Roman Empire, and organized the German states into his Confederation of Rhine. However, his recent military defeats weakened him. The other countries took this chance to attack him. Napoleon was finally defeated in the Battle of Waterloo.
  • Zollverein

    Secondary SourceThe Zollevrein benefited Germany in many way such as; lowering and making prices more uniform, helped the spread of industrialization by providing wide, free markets for German goods, and by offering tarrif protection. They also paved the way for political Unification.
  • Friedrich Wilhelm IV, King of Prussia: Proclamation of 1849

    Primary SoruceThis is importatnt I think because this marks a speech or just a saying given by the King of Prussia on wearing the crown in which will become of the Unification of Germany.
  • Germania

    PictureThis depiction of Germania, also by Philipp Veit, was created to hide the organ of the Paul's Church in Frankfurt, during the meeting of the Parliament there, March 1848–49. The sword was intended to symbolize the Word of God and to mark the renewal of the people and their triumphant spirit.
  • Otto von Bismarck: Letter to Minister von Manteuffel, 1856

    Primary SourceBecause of the policy of Vienna [the Congress of Vienna, 1815], Germany is clearly too small for us both [Prussia and Austria]; as long as an honorable arrangement concerning the influence of each in Germany cannot be concluded and carried out, we will both plough the same disputed acre, and Austria will remain the only state to whom we can permanently lose or from whom we can permanent
  • Giant Bismarck

    Giant Bismarck
    PictureThe title of this political cartoon is the Giant Germany Ogre. The large man represents Bismarck who is holding the soldiers of France and represents dominance when compared to France. He is power hungry and going to devour all his enemies using brute force.
  • Danish War

    Secondary SourceThe danished war played a big role in the unification of Germany by giving more control to Prussia, and aidding them in their Unification.
  • Formation of German Empire

    Formation of German Empire
    PictureA map showing the formation of the German Empire between 1806 and 1871. This map shows the territory of Prussia after the war with Napoleon in 1806, the territory added to Prussia by the Congress of Vienna in 1815, Schleswig and Holstein taken from Denmark in 1864, Hanover annexed after the War of 1866, the German states which joined Prussia to make the German Empire, and Alsace and Lorraine territories taken from France.
  • Bismarck

    Bismarck helped Nationalism by building up Prussia's army to gain leadership to futher help with the Unification of Germany.
  • The Imperial Proclamation, January 18, 1871

    Primary SourceWhereas the German princes and the free cities have unanimously called upon us to renew and to assume, with the restoration of the German Empire, the German imperial office, which has been empty for more than sixty years; and Whereas adequate arrangements have been provided for this in the constitution of the German Confederation;