The unfortunate events of World War II

  • Totalitarianism;

    Japan was affected because of the Great Depression which resulted in it being very crowded. Manchuria was helping Japan by giving them basic resources. But then, after the war of e Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, the Japanese economic presence and political interest had expanded in Manchuria. By 1931, Japan had invested a large amount of money into the economy of Manchuria. On 9/18/1931, an explosion occurred leaving Japan in control of Manchuria with Italy and German. Many were killed.
  • Germany's Rearmament

    Germany's Rearmament
    Hitler didn't necessarily agree with the Treaty of Versailles so he expanded his military to 300,000 men and 2,500 war planes on the down low. Germany was upset that they needed to pay 33 billion in reparations to their Allies a and Italy wanted more land since they felt that the treaty wasn't giving them that. This led to ww2 because it broke the Treaty of St. German.
  • Attack of Ethiopia

    Attack of Ethiopia
    Benito Mussolini's, the leader of Italy, adopted Hitlers plans on expanding Germans territory. Because of this. Benito saw this as an opportunity to invade Ethiopia because it'd be good for the Italian National prestige. The war contributed to intentional tensions between the fascist states and the western democrats. 2,000 Italians were killed and 275,000 Ethiopians.
  • The Spanish Civil War

    The Spanish Civil War
    There was a military revolt against the Republican government of Spain on July 17, 1936. This was part of an international conflict so therefore it fits with WWII. Germany, Italy, and Spain was testing ground for tanks and Britain and France saw it as a threat so the war was an outcome of a "polarization Spanish life and politics that developed over previous topics."
  • Anschluss or Union

    Anschluss or Union
    Annexation of Austria and Germany. This event caused the The Treaty of Versailles. This was because Hitler wanted more power and desired for nations in Europe to be apart of Germany. putting a lot of pressure on Germany, Hitler appointed Austria with a new Nazi government. so therefore, Austria was proclaimed.
  • Czecholosvakia

    German troops invaded Czechoslovakia on March of 1939. Hitler had threatened to bomb Czech if he didn't have a free passage into it's boarders. Now, Hitler made it obvious that he wasn't making Germany more expanded and that he was lying at the Munich, Because of the war that Hitler planned, 263,000 Jews were killed in Czechoslovakia.
  • Inavasion of poland

    Inavasion of poland
    German troops invaded Poland from the north, south, and west because Hitler lost territory. France and Britain weren't sure about this so on September 3, 1939, they declared war on Germany that led to WWII. Approximately 3 million polish Jews were killed in concentration camps and on June 1941, Hitler attacked the USSR, which broke his nonaggression with the Soviet Union, and Germany seized all of Poland.