The Un-ordinary life of Nanct ELizabeth Gillespie

  • She Was Born!

    She Was Born!
    I don't remember anything from this date.
  • She went to preschool

    She went to preschool
    People thought she was a bossy tattle-tail, but she had close group of friends who are still her friends today (kind of).
  • She went to Elementary School

    She went to Elementary School
    I went to Schumacher.
  • Period: to

    She went to Disney World!

    Plan a trip today!She loved it
  • She went to Middle School!

    She went to Middle School!
    The first day of middle school was on her birthday. She actually thought it was a pretty good present.
  • She got her Braces

    She got her Braces
    They hurt, but she still chews gum. Such a rebel.
  • You FLIGHT incentive day

    You FLIGHT incentive day
    My life is sad, this is the highlight of my year