The Twist

  • Period: to

    The Twist

  • I- Vaccine for Polio made Public

  • E- McDonalds Founded

  • E- Minimum Wage Act

  • S- Rosa Parks Refuses to Give up her Seat

  • E- Dr. Seuss Publishes Cat in the Hat

  • I- First Nuclear Power Plant

  • I- First U.S. Satellite orbits earth

  • I- Peace Symbol Created

  • E- NASA Founded

  • E- Alaska Becomes a State

  • E- Hawaii Becomes a State

  • S- First Sit-In Protests

  • S- SNCC Founded

  • I- First Laser Demonstrated

  • S- Olypic Games held in Rome

  • P-First TV Presidential Debate

  • S- Freedom Rides Begin

  • E- U.S. Buildup begins

  • S- Marilyn Monroe Dies

  • E- Silent Spring Book Punblished

  • E- U.S. Aid to Saigon Wasted

  • I- Beatles release first album

  • I- First artificial Heart Implanted

  • I- "I Have a Dream" speech

  • P-Kennedy Assissinated

  • P-Civil Rights Act

  • P- First Civil Rights Bill passed to stop Racial Discrimination

  • S- MLK Awarded Nobel Prize

  • E- Naders Book of Auto Industry

  • E- Johnson Signs Medicare Bill

  • P-Voting Rights Act

  • I- The Hippie Come into Being

  • S- NOW is Born

  • I- Star Trek Debuts

  • S- Walt Disney Died

  • S- First Super Bowl

  • S- Summer of Love

  • E- Frist ATM put into service in London

  • P- First African-American appointed to U.S. Supreme Court

  • I- First Issue of Rolling Stone Premieres

  • P-MLK Assissinated

  • P-Nixon Wins Presidency

  • P- First black women in Congress

  • E- First Man on the Moon

  • S- Woodstock Concert

  • I- First Email Message

  • I- Sesame Street Debuts

  • S- First Earth Day

  • S- Four Students killed at Kent State

  • I- Floppy Disks Introduced

  • I- VCR's Introduced

  • E- Disney World Opens

  • P- Strategetic Arms Limitation Treaty Signed

  • P- Roe vs. Wade legalizes Abortion

  • P-U.S. Pulls out of Vietnam

  • E- Sears Tower Built

  • P- Ford Becomes President and forced to Resign

  • I- Microsoft Founded

  • P- 200th Anniversary of Decleration of Independence

  • S- 7.8 Magnitutde kills 240000 in China