Dominika's Mother Dreams
The main character's mother begins to be visited by a little, feisty girl when she falls asleep. We later learn this is none other than the main character, Dominika, making herself known in premonitions. She is described as running through fields, laughing and smiling. She brings a joy to her mother that has not been felt for a long time under the Communist reign. -
Dominika's Born
After a year of reoccurring dreams, her mother delivers her second child at the "exclusive" Podoli Hospital after declaring her absolute refusal to return to the Karlov "The Crow" Hospital at which her eldest daughter was born. This only happens by a chance encounter between her father, the taxi driver, and a local doctor who agrees to sneak her mother in in exchange for driving lessons. The doctor passes with flying colors on her test, and Dominika is born without a hitch in the plan. -
National Theater Ballet Company's "Swan Lake"
For Dominika's 4th birthday, she goes to the theater, and it is this event that marks a pivotal turning point in her life. From this moment on, her dream is to be a dancer, and it is her enthusiasm and passion that leads her to enrolling at ballet school despite social adversity. Struck first by her determination, an influential ballet teacher takes acute notice of Dominika, foreshadowing many advantages in the future. -
Dominika's Encounter with Dysentery
On holiday in Pisek, Dominika buries a dead mouse that's been attacked by the various hungry cats slinking around. As she's called for lunch, she searches in vain for soap in the rented out, rundown house. Unable to locate any, she proceeds to eat lunch with her bare hands, thereby catching dysentery and resulting in massive weight-loss. Her doctor informs her she weighs the same as someone half her age, while disturbingly enough, her dance teacher recommends she lose half a kilo more. -
The Bulovka Hospital
Upon contracting dysentery, a supposed "nonexistent" disease after being completely eradicated under the Socialist Health Care System, Dominika is transferred to the Infection Pavilion where she has to navigate an increasingly complex world of friendship with the nurses and gypsy children. Her parents give her a gift of beautiful, expensive shoes, but the nurses take them away to be burned as they have been contaminated once allowed into a room with Dominika and her friends. -
Dominika reads the poem, "The Great October Revolution" with great enthusiasm, leading her teacher, Comrade Humlova, to personally invite Dominika to be a part of her Communist poetry group. She also has to wear the political Pioneer uniform, of which her parents are adamantly against. They are dissenters and have been fighting against the Pioneers almost their entire life. Despite inner turmoil, Dominika goes against her parents' wishes and joins the club, borrowing the uniform when necessary. -
After recovering from dysentery, Dominika heads to first grade late. The school caretaker, Mrs. Vincentova, dislikes her from the start, and berate her endlessly over dirty shoes. Dominika comes to realize she is different than the other kids. They had cartoned milk and bread rolls, while all she had was a bitter, vitamin-rich orange. One day, she steals a leftover milk and plays with the straw to her utmost joy before getting caught by Mrs. Vincentova. She escapes thanks to the ringing bell. -
The Great October Socialist Revolution Parade
After performing at a Red Cross event remarkably well, she is asked to recite at the Great October Socialist Revolution parade. Conflicted with her morals and love of poetry, Dominika tears down some propaganda on the school walls in anger. After being spotted by Mrs. Vincentova, Dominika is banned from participating in the parade and the poetry club for 'a good Pioneer must never steal or destroy other people's property.' Ashamed and relieved, Dominika vows to focus on ballet instead. -
Cernosice Church
Dominika begins to attend Catholic Church thanks to a chance encounter with her neighbor who becomes shocked at learning that Dominika never goes. She meets Father Eugene, who she regards as a grandfather figure and is introduced to the teachings of religions. When she spots Mrs. Jandova tending to a grave, Dominika is suddenly saddened by the idea that her late grandfather's inaccessible stone is out there, alone and dirty. She finds solace in cleaning and maintaining a French child's grave. -
Dominika encounters "The Philosopher," known as such for his talent in arguing the various contradictions of the Church, and the resulting discussion ensues in the realization that Dominika hasn't been baptized and yet still taken communion. The surrounding community is shocked and horrified at this, and many shun her in turn. Luckily, the priest moves to baptize her as quickly as possible and with time, the scandal fades into the shadows. -
The End of the Cold War Approaches
A mere four days after Dominika's tenth birthday, Mikhail Gorbachev becomes the General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, marking a distinct change in her household. Her father even took to wearing a Solidarnosz pin as making pointed comments about it when interviewed by the secret police, resulting in him being fired from his taxi job and being threatened to be thrown into prison for vagrancy under a criminal code. This ends in him finding a job in agriculture, a new page in his career. -
Through his agricultural job, Dominika's dad meets Comrade Maxian who funds his ventures into creating a patentable invention. Having converted their garage into an illegal zone of toxic gases and contact poisons, the time finally arrives to show off the invention, an anti-friction lotion to prevent combustion in textile factories. The comrade cares little for it, but upon tasting their illegally-brewed alcohol by accident, he decides that the latter would be the perfect business venture. -
State Conservatory
Dominika's dream has finally been realized. Despite her disadvantage in finance, social connections, and background, she has been accepted to study at the highly-coveted and elite State Conservatory in Prague. On her audition date, she is almost overlooked until a specific music choice from her instructor launches her into the spotlight. -
Vacation in Poland
From a small brochure from Cedok, the state-run travel agency, the family decides to take a trip, all except for Klara, Dominika's older sister who prefers to stay and work. In Poland, Dominika makes friends with the poverty-stricken natives and invites them over for dinner to which they are overjoyed. Their car breaks down on the trip home, and they have to push it at one point when the engine sputters out, but the last scene of the book shows her tired and happy, content in her life. -
A Newfound Passion for Horses
Dominika is humiliated by the popular girls at school who are wealthy enough to afford horseback riding lessons. To prove that she is just as good as them, she offers the owner of the horses to clean the stalls in exchange for a short ride with one of the horses. Tentatively, Mrs. Backyard agrees and is amazed at the ensuing dedication and determination. The girls come over one day and see Dominika far more advanced than any of them. With that, Dominika secures her spot as a leader and fighter.