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The Troubles as a Slave

By CamrynY
  • Introduction: Part 1

    Introduction: Part 1
    Anthony Antonio Johnson, a man captured into slavery, had many ups and downs. He was forced to go to America where he became a slave at the Bennett Plantation for 20 years! But since he was a Christian, he couldn't be in bondage for life as a slave. He got out of slavery and purchased his own land and property with his wife, Mary. He even owned two of his own slaves! But after the laws passed by the Englishmen like the fact that if you are a Christian, then you could still be bondaged for...
  • Introduction: Part 2

    Introduction: Part 2 or the first time Englishmen called slaves propery or even the hog law, made Anthony Antonio's life for many slaves, old or young, nearly impossible.
  • Period: to

    The Life of a Slave: Good and Bad

  • Anthony Johnson Gets Land: Part 1

    Anthony Johnson Gets Land: Part 1
    On July 10th, 1645, a man named Captain Taylor split the corn field with Anthony Antonio, giving the former slave land. They went to the corn field and then came back a while later and Anthony Antonio said,"Mr. Taylor and I have Devided our corne And I am very glad of it (for) now I know myne owne, hee finds fault with mee that I doe not worke, but now I know myne own ground and I will worke when I please and play when I please." This is important to Anthony because it shows that even...
  • Anthony Johnson Gets Land: Part 2

    Anthony Johnson Gets Land: Part 2
    ...though Anthony was a slave and is a black man, that he is still treated fairly. This shows that the Englishmen aren't striving for power and domination... yet.
  • Anthony Antonio Petitions for Slave

    Anthony Antonio Petitions for Slave
    On March 8th, 1654, Anthony Antonio's slave named John Casar came into Virginia, looking for service, and demanded his freedom from Anthony Antonio because he said that he was an indentured servent, so he would work for different people, Mr. Robert and George Parker. Anthony didn't think that and said that John was his slave for life. Anthony Antonio wanted to go to court over this issue but his family talked him out of it.
  • Anthony Wins Back John Casar

    Anthony Wins Back John Casar
    Anthony Antonio returns to court to win his slave back over, John Casar. Anthony's friend, Captain Sam'll Goldsmyth speaks up for Anthony and he wins his slave back from Mr. Robert and George Parker. This is important because even though Anthony Antonio is a black man, he gets to have a say in court. If this was later on in colonial times, then Anthiny wouldn't have won his slave back, maybe have even been flogged for speaking out against a white man.
  • Christianity Doesn't Help: Part 1

    Christianity Doesn't Help: Part 1
    Before Septembe of 1667, if you were a slave and a Christain, you could NOT be bondaged for life. But all of that hope was soon gone. Everything changed...
    Another law was passed that had to do with a slave's religion. It declared that even if a slave was a Christain (which was starting to be recomended by owners) that you could still be bondaged for life. This is a VERY important law because it is showing that the Englishmen want even MORE power! They want to be able to greedingly...
  • Christianity Doesn't Help: Part 2

    Christianity Doesn't Help: Part 2
    ...keep their slaves for their entire lives. This bashed the hope of many slaves as they realize that they will have to work for their cruel owners for the rest of their lives. Some slaves even were already promised freedom, but lost their hope... all because of a silly law to gain power.
  • Casual Killing of Slaves

    Casual Killing of Slaves
    In October of 1669, a law was passed by the Englishmen. It stated that if the master of mistriss punishes a slave so extreamly that he dies, then it wouldn't be called a crime to the master or mistriss. This is extreamly important to the African-American history because this is one of the first laws where the Englishmen have called the "negroes" property. This shows that the Englishmen are trying to dominate over the African-Americans and force them to serve better and show more "respect...
  • Casual Killing of Slaves: Part 2

    Casual Killing of Slaves: Part 2
    ...To the more dominate race." They are also trying to scare the slaves. If you were in a position like that where if you do something wrong that your master or mistriss could KILL you!? You would probably try to serve better and not rebel as much. That is what the Englishmen want to happen. They want to scare their slaves into being better at their "job," and that is just what they are doing with this law.
  • Runaway Slaves Act: Part 1

    In September of 1672, yet another greusome law was passed about the African-American slaves. It stated that if a "negroe" was to run away from their owner, then they would be severly punished, and if the said slave could be KILLED but the master or mistriss would not be allowed to go to court for the "killing". They even put a price on a runaway slave's head! All "negroes" and slaves would be valued at four thousand five hundred pounds of tobacco a piece! This law is important because the...
  • Runaway Slaves Act: Part 2

    ...Englishmen are atempting to gain even more power! They are being so greedy trying to cause their slaves to "behave themselves." If their slaves don't run away as much as before, then they will make more of a profit. If they make more of a profit, then they could just buy more slaves, and the entire proccess would just start all over again. This also scares the poor slaves and "negroes" that this law is refering to. If they had any hopes whatsoever about running away to freedom, then...
  • Conclusion: Part 4

    Conclusion: Part 4
    ...llive in the USA because we know that we will always be free and we know that that freedom will NOT be taken away from us. We won our freedom in the Revolutionary War... and we plan to keep it.
  • Conclusion: Part 1

    Conclusion: Part 1
    This time was a terrible event in our history, in my opinion, one of the worst moments. It is because of this that we can't afford for something like this to happen again. We have already, on multiple occasions, been greedy for power. The slaves is one major example of that. But a more recent one is the Holocaust. We let the Germans make fun of the Jewish people by drawing offensive pictures and blaming htem for everything wrong in the world. Because of this, Hitler rose to power and...
  • Conclusion: Part 2

    Conclusion: Part 2 kill hundreds upon thousands upon millions of Jewish people just to rise to power and make sure that the Germans (perfect race) would become dimanite. They wnated power, and they got it because we did NOTHING! We only cared if it started to affect us. We were just letting millions of people die and by the time we finally took action, it was too late. A even more modern version of the "slave laws" is what is happening in North Korea. The leaders there are taking away their basic...
  • Conclusion: Part 3

    Conclusion: Part 3
    ...rights. They have no nooks besides books on how great their leader is and they can't cross the border without being killed. Some families were seperated and still don't know if they are still alive. They couldn't even ride the buses or any other transportation if they were not crying after their leader died. The USA is suppsed to honor all of the unalianable rights and not try to take them away. If our rights are taken, then we have no freedom, and that is not why we live here. We...