Jan 1, 1000
The trojan war
After the war. Odysseus and his men go through difficult obstacles before returning home. -
Jan 10, 1000
gets captured in a storm
After the Trojan war the men were heading home till a big storm came and pushed them far from there land. -
Jan 11, 1000
The land of cyclopes
Because of the strom they landed in the land of clyclops were big giants live. Odysseus and the men decided to find the giants to see if there friendly and would let them stay for a little.They ended up finding a cave and one of the giants who lived in it captured them and held them captive and ate two men everyday to show them whats going to happen to them. -
Jan 26, 1000
leaving the land clyclops
Odysseus made a plan to escape . They drunkend the giant with red wine and poked his eye out when he fell to sleep. When the cave opened they ran out and ran back to there ship and escaped from the land of clyclops -
Feb 3, 1000
The land of aelous
After they escaped the land of clyclopes they were heading to The land of aelous (the god of winds). Aelous was nice enough to help them by giving odysseus a bag that had sheep skin that would control the wind for the ship to head straight home.But he also warned odysseus to not open the bag. -
Mar 24, 1000
almost to there land
When they were almost home odyssey fell to sleep and the men were curious what the god Aelous gave him. So they opened the bag that controlled the wind and they were pushed back to the land of king aelous. He refused to help them agian because they did not listen. -
Apr 5, 1000
The land of circe
After the land of Aelous they countinued there journey on returning home and landed in The land of Circe. She wasnt kind at first and turned some of the men to swine ,but because of odyssey bravness she turned them back into men. -
Mar 14, 1002
leaving the land of circe
Odyssey and the men lived with her for a year then left to try to return back home agian.Circe told him what he needs to do to return back home and it was to go to the dead and ask concerning his journey. -
Mar 16, 1002
Odysseus went to posiedon and asked what he needs to do to return home. He was told the warth from doing what he did to his son( the clyclopes) but despite that he should reach his home if he would not disturb the oxen of the sun. -
Apr 7, 1002
The land of oxen
Odysseus and the men reached the land of oxen were poisiden told him not to eat.The men wanted to stay for the night to relax and odyssey agreed only if they promised not to eat the oxen,of the sun. They eneded up staying for a month because of storms.They fished for food but that wasnt enough. The men ended up killing some of the oxen while odyssey was asleep. Helios the god of sun and the oxen was angry at them. -
May 14, 1002
leaving the land of oxen
Odysseus was dissapointed in them and so they left the land of oxen and were heading home till zeus hurled a thunder bolt and drowned all the men because they ate the oxens ,but odyssy lived because he was the only one that didnt eat the oxen and listened. -
May 25, 1002
the land of a godess named calypso.
After there ship was ruined from the thunder and all the men drowned . Odysseus swam to the land of claypso. claypso decide to keep oddysseus there as his peasent for 7 years. After many years passed calypso decide to return him to his home. -
Aug 8, 1008
returning home
After the land of calypso and all the journeys he faced odyssues made it home, but when he returned home he relized that it was controlled by evil men who came and took over.Odysseus then fought and won his home and land back.