The Great War Ends
An armistice between Germany and the Allies is signed. The actual terms of the peace treaty will be created later on. -
Peace Conference
David George of Great Britain, Georges Clemenceau of France and Woodrow Wilson of the USA assemble to discuss the terms of the peace treaty. -
Signing of the Treaty of Versailles
Germany is forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles, acknowledging that they take all responsibility for the war and will provide full compensation for the damage dealt. Shortly afterwards other involved countries such as Austria, Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria sign their own treaties. -
League of Nations Assembles
The first full meeting of the League of Nations is assembled in Geneva. The US representative does not show up. -
Germany finds out how much it owes
France decides that Germany owes them 269 million gold marks, and that for 42 years Germany owes them 12% of all the combined value of German exports. Overall, Germany is charged with 150 billion gold marks. -
Germany tries to negotiate the sum without success
Amount drops
Germany now owes 132 billion gold marks that must be paid within 32 years. -
The March on Rome
Italy nationalists are disappointed in the result of the war and take power. Facism and Antifascism start to becoming competing ways of life. -
Hitler Arrested
Hitler is arrested and sentenced to fortress prison (he is held captive but retains his honour). -
Germany is Accepted
Due to unanimous vote Germany is accepted into the League of Nations. -
The Peace Prize
Two pairs of German-French partners share the Nobel Peace Prizes for the next two years. -
The Kellog-Briand Pact
15 Nations, plus an addition 39 who sign by the end of 1929, make a pact that they will not turn to war over international conflicts. -
Price drops again
A conference in Lausanne determines that Germany is only required to pay 53 billion gold marks. -
Japan takes over Mukden and other places around the area of Manchuko. War between Japan and China is sparked. -
The Chancellor
Adolf Hitler becomes the Chancellor of the German Reich. -
Up and Go
Japan leaves the League of Nations and does not receive punishment for attacking China. The League of Nations is seen therefore as weak. -
Up and Go Part II
Germany leaves the League of Nations after signing a treaty with France, Great Britain and Italy on July 15. -
It starts again
Japanese-Chinese war is renewed. -
Up and Go Part III
Italy leaves the League of Nations. -
It begins
Something called the "Reichskristallnacht" begins in Germany. Many Jews are killed, and Synagogues ravaged. -
The USA prepares for serious war. -
WWII begins with Germany attacking Poland. -
France, Great Britain and the other Commonwealth countries declare war against Germany. -
An assassination attempt is taken on Hitler. It fails and the resistance must cancel future plans. -
Germany takes over Yugoslavia and Greece. -
Hitler declares war against the United States. -
7.5 million workers are forced into Hitler's service. -
US gain naval control
Japan loses four of their best air carriers. Naval power shifts from Japan to the US for the rest of the war. -
France rejoins after originally splitting
The two originally divided sections of France join together. The rest of France is taken over by Germany and Italy. -
Roosevelt and Churchill convene to set the 'unconditional surrender' as the main goal for the war. -
A badly planned German strategy against the Russian forces in the east fails. Germany gains no ground, but Russia quickly advances forward. -
Period: to
US marines act
The US marines land on and attack the islands of Bougainville and Tarawa, fighting to control them. They secure both islands at a later date. -
US forces land on Saipan. The areas Tinian and Guam are secure by the 1st of August. Japanese forces rush to defend the areas, and are almost completely wiped out in the Philippine war. -
The Soviets come up with a plan called 'Bagration' that kills or capture over 350, 000 German soldiers. -
German defense in France fails after the US make a breakthrough. -
The Philippines
US troops land in the Philippines. Japan loses it's hold. Appearance of the first Kamikaze units. -
Germany tries to regain the offensive. The Allied powers crush their attempts. -
The Soviets adcance into Germany. -
Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill agree to the establishment of the United Nations. -
Iwo Jima
US marines attack and secure Iwo Jima. -
Period: to
US troops land in Okinawa. 107,000 Japanese casulties. The US troops lost 13,000 and had 36,000 wounded. -
The Founding
The founding/first United Nations meeting begins in San Francisco. 51 nations sign agreement to it on the 26th of June. -
Hitler commits apparent suicide. -
The German forces do an unconditional surrender to the Allies -
The first atomic bomb is successfully tested in New Mexico. -
The first atomic bomb explodes over Hiroshima. 80% of the town in destroyed. 90,000 people die and 400,000 are wounded. -
The Soviet Union declares war against Japan - Manchuko, Korea and the Kuriles. -
Second atomic bomb explodes over Nagaski. 40,000 die, 60,000 wounded. -
VJ day
The war ends with unconditional surrender to the Allied forces. -
The United Nations
First full meeting of the United Nations in London. -
Hitler's 'Assassination'
Oberst Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg and a several accomplices attempt an assassination on Hitler. The fail and are executed, along with over 5000 estimated conspirators. -
Reference for later