The Toasted time; timeline

  • Petition of Rights

    The PoR was a declaration of liberties for the people. it stated that
    1.that no freeman should be forced to pay any tax, loan, or benevolence, unless in accordance with an act of parliament;
    2.t"hat no freeman should be imprisoned contrary to the laws of the land"
    3."that soldiers and sailors should not be billeted on private persons"
    4."commissions to punish soldiers and sailors by martial law should be abolished"
  • Stamp Act

    The stamp act was a tax enforced by the British to help pay for their war depts in the Seven years war. The tax was placed on all paper products which was a total out rage to all the Revolutionary leaders and citizens of he 13 colonies. the british tax was meet by violent mobbs and boyycotts.
  • Intolerable Act

    Intolerable Act
    The Intolerable act was a reprocution to the Bostan Tea Party, the Bristish lockcaded Boastan Harbor and More taxes were set in place to pay for the some 10,000Lbs of tea dumped over board.Massechusetts was now in open rebellion against the British
  • First Continetal Congress

    First Continetal Congress
    the First continetal Congress was a group of people from each state, people like Washington John Adams and other repressenitives converged at Carpenders Hall Phili.. the goal of the first CC was to make a Revalutionary Gov. At the end of the CC a Virgianian named Payton Randolph was elected to lead the Continentals.
  • Lexington and Concord

    L&C was the first fight of the Rev. War. 700 red coats were to march on Concord where a contiental arsinal was supposed to be. the Red Coats were meat by 77 minutes men. after a few volleys of fire the Red coats pushed their was to the town where they burned what was left of the arsinal.
  • Lexington & Concord

    L&C was the first open conflict of the Rev. war. 700 British regulars were to march on Concord and seize a Continental arsinal. When they arrived the were meet by 77 "minute men". After a few volleys the MM were over run, but the battle was not lost because the arsinal was moved. But what remained was Burned by the British. Although there was no Gen. involed in the battle if it wasnt for Paul Revere everything could have been burned!
  • Second Continetal Congress

    The Second CC took place in Phili and in this meeting there were talks of independance and the creation of a Continental army. The people who attendend this meeting were delagates from the 13 conlonies.
  • Decloration of Independance

  • Articles of Confederation 1777-1781

    under the Articles of Confederation, Peyton Randolph was selected to be the first president of the articles.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    At the end of the war the British and the Americans were called to the table to dicuss the terms of surrender. The Americans selected John J, John Adams and Ben Franklin to Repressent the Colonies. The Colonies were now unified and gained louisiana territorie. Also the British agreed to recognize the american Decloration of Independence.
  • Start of Constitutional Convention

    Or Phili. COnvention discussed privisons that shll appear to the the constituition of Fed. Gove. The original Purpose was a "peaceful over throw of the New American Gov"