History of the atom

  • 400 BCE


    His completely name is Democritus. The date of discovery is 400 B.C. He is known as "the father of the atom". He called atoms atomos and said the atom was indivisible.
  • John Dalton (FRS)

    John Dalton (FRS)
    His completely name is John Dalton. The date of his discovery is 1803 and he discovered the first atomic theory. He had the 'billiard ball' model. That shows that one atom looks like a solid ball. His experiment was that he turned a gas into a liquid.
  • Sir Jospeh John Thomson

    Sir Jospeh John Thomson
    His completely name is Sir Joseph John Thomson. The date of his discovery is 1897. His discovery is a model called "Plum Pudding" which basically say that electrons were like little plums. He experimented with a crook or cathode ray tube.
  • Ernest Rutherford

    Ernest Rutherford
    His completely name is Ernest Rutherford. The date of his discovery is 1911. He discovered protons,nucleus and concluded the atom was mostly empty space. The experiment to discover that is called " the gold foil experiment". He also determine that the nucleus was small and positive charged.
  • Niels Bohr

    Niels Bohr
    His completely name is Niels Bohr. The date of his discovery is 1913. He discovered a new atomic model built up of shells of electrons. The electrons were in 'energy levels' around the nucleus. He used the atom model of Rutherford to discover this.