1440 BCE
The Printing Press
Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press that lasted. He was a blacksmith and was thus skilled at writing on metal. Link Text
Gutenberg believed in the aesthetic of print. When referring to the Bible, he claims that “the more aesthetically pleasing the illuminations, the closer to God’s own speech”. The revolutionary printing press changed the system of print and books. It of course led to the decrease of the need to memorize quotes. -
Period: 1400 BCE to
World's First Lightbulb
Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor and businessman who invented the first light bulb. -
World's First Car
Karl Benz was a German inventor who was thought to have created the world's first automobile in 1885/1886. Specific date of invention is unknown. -
Henry Ford created the first Quadricycle which led to a series of gasoline engines. Ford today is still one of the most famous car companies in the world. Ford saw that the world could benefit from faster ways of transportation. This new invention led to faster ways of transportation and created a domino effect in the creation of better and faster automobiles. With the boom in US industry, this created a fast-paced environment. -
Kiichiro Toyoda created what eventually became the Toyota Motor Corporation. -
World's First Computer
Together, John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert created the world's first electronic digital computer. -
Steve Jobs founded the company Apple Computer. -
Mark Zuckerberg, along with his college roommates, launched the famous social media called Facebook which has attracted billions of users. -
Flying Car
Flying Car (Predict)
The use of Flying Cars will mean that society will no longer need airlines, jets, or helicopters unless they are used for other reasons. -
Medium is the Message
Just like the creation of automobiles, this creation allows people to have access to faster transportation. It will definitely create an even more individualistic American society (and who could imagine that right?). The world will only grow more and more fast-paced. Time will become an idol if things don't slow down.