The Timeline of My Life

  • I was born!

    I was born!
    The world doesn't know what's gonna hit them
  • My brother was born

    My brother was born
    My brother, Caden, was born and changed my life completely
  • I started elementary school

    I started elementary school
    My first year of Elementary School had started and I already was showing off my intelligence
  • My Baby brother was born!

    My Baby brother was born!
    My baby brother, Oliver, was born which changed my life even more
  • I won Math Bowl for Goodwin!

    I won Math Bowl for Goodwin!
    I beat every one of the entire 129 district as I got 1st place on the individual test.
  • I started middle school

    I started middle school
    I started Middle School, which means that I had to use lockers and for me that was hard.
  • My golden birthday!

    My golden birthday!
    Huge celebration for the best birthday I'm going to have for the rest of my life
  • I graduate 8th grade

    I graduate 8th grade
    I graduate 8th grade and now I have to wait until I go to High School and graduate again.
  • I started High School

    I started High School
    I finally start High School, where many more opportunities open up for me.
  • I completed my driver's test

    I completed my driver's test
    I complete my driver's test and I now have a driver's license. All I need now is a car
  • My first car

    My first car
    I get my first car and now I can drive anywhere I want without having to use my parents' car
  • I graduate High School

    I graduate High School
    One more school graduation until I am completely done with school. Hooray!
  • I got accepted into Harvard

    I got accepted into Harvard
    I applied and was accepted into Harvard. My parents and I celebrate with a nice dinner.
  • I start College in Harvard

    I start College in Harvard
    Only a couple more years of school until I am finally done with school
  • My first job

    My first job
    I get my first job as a pizza delivery guy. Although it won't stay the same for long
  • I graduate Harvard

    I graduate Harvard
    I finally graduate Harvard and am done with school forever
  • I get a new job as an engineer

    I get a new job as an engineer
    I get my dream job and start working on an invention I've been thinking about for a while
  • I buy my own house

    I buy my own house
    I get enough money to move out of my parents house and buy my own
  • I marry the love of my life

    I marry the love of my life
    My wife and I get married and now are extremely happy together
  • My wife gave birth to a baby boy

    My wife gave birth to a baby boy
    My wife and I have a son which we name Charlie
  • I invent flying cars

    I invent flying cars
    I invent the greatest invention of all time, flying cars. My name will go down in history as one of the greatest engineers of all time!
  • I have another child

    I have another child
    This time, my wife and I have a baby girl. Who is named Susan
  • I become a Grandpa

    I become a Grandpa
    My son, Billy, decides to have kids which makes me a grandpa
  • I pass away in my sleep

    I pass away in my sleep
    As I sleep I pass away due to old age. This is the end of my timeline