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Maria's timeline

  • Date of Birth

    Date of Birth
    Born on May 31, 1998 in the Hpspital Queen of the Valley located in West Covina Ca
  • Mexico

    My parents took me to Leon Guanajuato, Mexico when i was 5 months old
  • Learned how to walk

    Learned how to walk
    Began to take my first baby steps at the age of 1
  • 4th Birthday

    4th Birthday
    Had my first 4th Birthday Party at the park
  • New Born Sister

    New Born Sister
    My baby Sister Caroline was finally born
  • Disneyland

    First time ever going to Disneyland when i was about 8 or 9 years old.
  • Band

    First time being in band for 3 years from 4th-6th grade played the trumpet
  • 8th Grade Promotion

    8th Grade Promotion
    8th Grade Promotion Ceremony
  • Freshman Year

    Freshman Year
    First day of being a Freshman at SEMHS
  • Quinceanera

    Had my 15th party celebrated with my family in a nice Hall
  • Las Vegas

    Las Vegas
    First time going to Las Vegas with my twin cousins for their 21st Birthday
  • Six Flags

    Six Flags
    First time going to Six Flags with Avid