I was born at 11:09 P.M. on January 31, 1994. -
I had my tonsils removed. -
Baseball Career Began
I started playing baseball, the sport I've now played for 14 years. I had to be 4 years old by February 1. I made the deadline by one day. -
School Career Began
I began my school career at Audubon Traditional Elementary. -
I came down with a rare disease called Cellulitis. I couldn't eat for four days, including Thanksgiving. -
Audubon Graduation
I graduated from Audubon Traditional Elementary. -
I started my first day of Middle School at JCTMS. -
JCTMS Graduation
I graudated from JCTMS. -
Louisville Male High School
I became a freshman at Louisville Male High School. -
Elbow Surgery
I had surgery on the olecranon in my left elbow. A four inch titanium screw was permanently inserted there. -
Steak 'n Shake
I started my first day of working at Steak 'n Shake. -
I had an appendicitis during the first day of Male/Manual week and had an appendectomy later that night. -
Varsity Baseball
Fourteen years finally paid off and I made the varsity baseball team. -
Ring Ceremony
I received my class ring at the junior ring ceremony. -
Atlanta Braves
My father and I took a trip to Atlanta, Georgia to watch my favorite sports team, the Atlanta Braves, play two games in two nights. -
University of Kentucky
I was accepted into the University of Kentucky. -
I turned 18 and went and got a tattoo. -
Spring Break
I took my first out of town spring break trip to Charleston, South Carolina with the baseball team. We went 4 and 1, and came in 3rd place out of 28 teams.
Click here for our semi-final loss to Ashley Ridge -
I will conclude my high school career, graduating from Louisville Male High School.