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the timeline of Bill Clinton

  • Bill Clinton is born

    Bill Clinton is born
    Bill Clinton is born in Hope, Arkansas on August 19, His father died a few months after his birth.
  • The Clintons move to Hot Springs

    The Clintons move to Hot Springs
    Three years after Bill's mother gets remarried to Roger Clinton, the Clintons move to Hot Springs, Arkansas.
  • Bill graduates High school

    Bill graduates High school
    Bill graduates from Hot Springs high school on may 29th.
  • Clinton graduates from Yale Law

    Clinton graduates from Yale Law
    Bill graduates from Yale Law in 1973
  • Bill runs for congress

    Bill runs for congress
    Bill Clinton runs for congress and fails
  • Bill marries Hillary

    Bill marries Hillary
    In 1975 Bill marries Hillary on October 11th.
  • Bill is the attorney general of Arkansas

    Bill is the attorney general of Arkansas
    Bill becomes the attorney general of Arkansas in 1977 who later becomes president of the U.S.A
  • bill is the governor of Arkansas

    bill is the governor of Arkansas
    In 1979, Bill becomes the youngest person to become the governor of Arkansas
  • Chelsea is born

    On February 27, 1980 in Little Rock, Arkansas during her father's term as governor. She attended public schools until her father became president.
  • Bill is re-elected to a second term as governor

    Bill is re-elected to a second term as governor
    Bill is re-elected as governor of Arkansas for a second term
  • bill is re-elected three more times

    In 1984, 1986, and 1990 Bill is elected to be the governor of Arkansas for five times in a row
  • Bill announces that he is running for president

    Bill announces that he is running for president
    on 1991 Bill shocks millions when he reveals that he will be running for president
  • Bill Clinton is the president

    Bill Clinton is the president
    On 1992, Bill Clinton is elected as the forty-second president of the U.S.A. Beating Republican George W. Bush and the independent candidate Ross Perot. winning with only 43% of the popular vote!