The Timeline of Amelia Earhart

By adilhaf
  • Amelia Earhart was born

    My mom is Amy Otis Earhart and my father is Edwin Earhart. i was a tom boy and hated girly stuff eewwwwwwwwww
  • Muriel Earhart was born

    My sister was born and i loved her very much
  • Started going to school

    People loved there because i would get medals for the school
  • Father died

    My father died 20 years after my gramba and that was where my life changed
  • Started flying

    I loved and knew that it was going to be a great job.
  • Started breaking records

    I started breaking records and that even how i became famous
  • Captain H.H told Amelia to fly to the Atlantic Ocean

    My captain told me that i could fly to the Atlantic Ocean. I agreed and became first woman to fly to the Atlantic Ocean
  • Got mrried to George P Putnam

    I had a arranged marriage to George P Putnam. I didn't really like him much but i agreed
  • Flyed from Oakland to Calafornia

    first long flight was from Oakland to Calafornia
  • Amelia Earhart died

    I died when I was about 40 years old. I crashed on my way to Howland Island and nobody knew how I died.Some people think I was taken by the japanese.Others think I crashed on a island